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С 1977 г.
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  • С 1977 г.
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  • Качественное оборудование
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  • С 1977 г.

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О б/у Лункокопатели для лука-порея

A leek hole punching machine is used to make planting holes in the soil. The punching machine can also be used for making planting holes for other crops as well. The steel pins on the leek hole punching machine make holes in the soil. The leeks are then planted by hand in these holes. This way of planting ensures high quality leeks with much white.

The leek hole punching machine is attached to the three-point tow-bar on the tractor and driven by a power take-off. It is possible to adjust the leek hole puncher to the leek and the conditions because there are various different types, such as early and late leeks and a difference in length. The planting depth can be adjusted via the smooth roller on the front. In addition long and short pins are available. The distance between the rows can be adjusted on most leek hole punching machines. The basic version of the Basrijs and Compact leek hole punching machine (comprising 3 rows) is usually adjustable from 37 to 50 cm. It can sometimes also be adjusted to 75 cm depending on the type of machine. The standard diameter of a punched hole is 3 cm. Planting intervals of 8 to 30 cm are possible by choosing a particular tractor speed or by changing the cog wheels. Extra options on the hole punching machine could be openers, various plant hole punchers and track marker sets. Manufacturers such as Basrijs assume a capacity of approx. 1200 metres / hour.

You will find an overview below of the second-hand leek hole punching machines that Duijndam Machines has for sale at the moment. Our experienced and expert staff are willing to help and advise you in finding the most suitable leek hole puncher. Discuss your requirements with our expert staff!