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Уборочная машина Jamafa для брюссельской капусты



Уборочная машина Jamafa для брюссельской капусты

Jamafa harvesting machine for Brussel sprouts 1 row towed by tractor.

Foot controlled arm with a stalkcutter attached
Own Hydraulic system with pump driven by PTO
(with Jamafa 4 knive picking head ) (option) We advice to replace and upgrade the machine with a new Tumoba picking head extra cost € 1850,-. and new Bearing 350,-  The operation requires one person on the tractor and 1 operator on the machine.

As the tractor through the crop, stalks are cut and hand-fed into the stripping head. The buttons and leaves are stripped from the stalk and separated, the leaves returning to the ground also The stripped stalks get chopped and are returned to the ground.at the other side of the machine. An elevator, conveys he Brussel sprouts into bulkhopper.

When the bunker is full it can be tipped hydraulically into a Bigboxes or transportwagon.


Технические спецификации:



Jamafa harvesting machine for Brussel sprouts 1 row towed by tractor.

Foot controlled arm with a stalkcutter attached
Own Hydraulic system with pump driven by PTO
(with Jamafa 4 knive picking head ) (option) We advice to replace and upgrade the machine with a new Tumoba picking head extra cost € 1850,-. and new Bearing 350,-  The operation requires one person on the tractor and 1 operator on the machine.

As the tractor through the crop, stalks are cut and hand-fed into the stripping head. The buttons and leaves are stripped from the stalk and separated, the leaves returning to the ground also The stripped stalks get chopped and are returned to the ground.at the other side of the machine. An elevator, conveys he Brussel sprouts into bulkhopper.

When the bunker is full it can be tipped hydraulically into a Bigboxes or transportwagon.


Technical specifications:


Уборочная машина Jamafa для брюссельской капусты

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Jamafa harvesting machine for Brussel sprouts 1 row towed by tractor.

Foot controlled arm with a stalkcutter attached
Own Hydraulic system with pump driven by PTO
(with Jamafa 4 knive picking head ) (option) We advice to replace and upgrade the machine with a new Tumoba picking head extra cost € 1850,-. and new Bearing 350,-  The operation requires one person on the tractor and 1 operator on the machine.

As the tractor through the crop, stalks are cut and hand-fed into the stripping head. The buttons and leaves are stripped from the stalk and separated, the leaves returning to the ground also The stripped stalks get chopped and are returned to the ground.at the other side of the machine. An elevator, conveys he Brussel sprouts into bulkhopper.

When the bunker is full it can be tipped hydraulically into a Bigboxes or transportwagon.

Почему вы выбираете машины, бывшие в употреблении?

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  • Более низкая амортизация
  • Такие же функции, как и у новых машин
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