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Многоголовочная машина для взвешивания и счета S&B

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Многоголовочная машина для взвешивания и счета S&B

S&B (Sorma) multihead weighing and counting machine

12 head weighing and counting machine


  • Dosing conveyor with three compartments
  • Supply conveyor with three compartments

To be bought with this machine:

  • C-Pack netclipper with wineglass labeling machine
  • Daumar SA Net-Clipping Machine including wineglass labelling system

Optional with this machine:

  • Discharge conveyor for packages € 750 euro (brown belt on photos)
  • ICOEL Box Tipper with conveyor to supply the dosing conveyors of the S&B machine with products

These machine were also been used in combination with this machine at the previous owner.

Machines are used for weighing and counting citrus fruits and peppers. The machines can also be used for weighing / counting and packaging of (meat) tomatoes, avocados, potatoes, flower bulbs and onions.


Технические спецификации:

Модель:CP800 12-BP


S&B (Sorma) multihead weighing and counting machine

12 head weighing and counting machine


  • Dosing conveyor with three compartments
  • Supply conveyor with three compartments

To be bought with this machine:

  • C-Pack netclipper with wineglass labeling machine
  • Daumar SA Net-Clipping Machine including wineglass labelling system

Optional with this machine:

  • Discharge conveyor for packages € 750 euro (brown belt on photos)
  • ICOEL Box Tipper with conveyor to supply the dosing conveyors of the S&B machine with products

These machine were also been used in combination with this machine at the previous owner.

Machines are used for weighing and counting citrus fruits and peppers. The machines can also be used for weighing / counting and packaging of (meat) tomatoes, avocados, potatoes, flower bulbs and onions.


Technical specifications:

Model:CP800 12-BP

Многоголовочная машина для взвешивания и счета S&B

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S&B (Sorma) multihead weighing and counting machine

12 head weighing and counting machine


  • Dosing conveyor with three compartments
  • Supply conveyor with three compartments

To be bought with this machine:

  • C-Pack netclipper with wineglass labeling machine
  • Daumar SA Net-Clipping Machine including wineglass labelling system

Optional with this machine:

  • Discharge conveyor for packages € 750 euro (brown belt on photos)
  • ICOEL Box Tipper with conveyor to supply the dosing conveyors of the S&B machine with products

These machine were also been used in combination with this machine at the previous owner.

Machines are used for weighing and counting citrus fruits and peppers. The machines can also be used for weighing / counting and packaging of (meat) tomatoes, avocados, potatoes, flower bulbs and onions.

Почему вы выбираете машины, бывшие в употреблении?

  • Быстрая поставка
  • Низкая стоимости приобретения
  • Более низкая амортизация
  • Такие же функции, как и у новых машин
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