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4.8 Google Reviews
Грейфер для яблок Greefa A4
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Burg наполнитель контейнеров для яблок и груш под водой
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645 х 60 см, с рольгангом 460 х 50 см.
Сортировочная машина Greefa ATB для яблок и фруктов

Машина для наполнения Burg Bag для яблок



Машина для наполнения Burg Bag для яблок

Burg BTV 2000 bag filling machine for fruit, such as apples

  • The BTV bag filler is a product for the continues automated filling and sealing of fruits into poly bags. 
  • The machine is suitable for both prefabricated bags on roll. 
  • The bag filler is equipped with a horizontal sealing bar which seals the bags after filling. 
  • After filling and closing, the bags are transported out of the machine by a conveyor.

Burg BTV bag filler:

  • Weight range per package from 0.5 to 3.5 kg
  • Bag closing by horizontal seal
  • Machine is equiped with 2 new motors 
  • Infeed height adjustable from 100 cm. Currently 122 cm.
  • Weighing machine not included.

Технические спецификации:



Burg BTV 2000 bag filling machine for fruit, such as apples

  • The BTV bag filler is a product for the continues automated filling and sealing of fruits into poly bags. 
  • The machine is suitable for both prefabricated bags on roll. 
  • The bag filler is equipped with a horizontal sealing bar which seals the bags after filling. 
  • After filling and closing, the bags are transported out of the machine by a conveyor.

Burg BTV bag filler:

  • Weight range per package from 0.5 to 3.5 kg
  • Bag closing by horizontal seal
  • Machine is equiped with 2 new motors 
  • Infeed height adjustable from 100 cm. Currently 122 cm.
  • Weighing machine not included.

Technical specifications:


Машина для наполнения Burg Bag для яблок

К сожалению, Машина для наполнения Burg Bag для яблок продана..

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Burg BTV 2000 bag filling machine for fruit, such as apples

  • The BTV bag filler is a product for the continues automated filling and sealing of fruits into poly bags. 
  • The machine is suitable for both prefabricated bags on roll. 
  • The bag filler is equipped with a horizontal sealing bar which seals the bags after filling. 
  • After filling and closing, the bags are transported out of the machine by a conveyor.

Burg BTV bag filler:

  • Weight range per package from 0.5 to 3.5 kg
  • Bag closing by horizontal seal
  • Machine is equiped with 2 new motors 
  • Infeed height adjustable from 100 cm. Currently 122 cm.
  • Weighing machine not included.

Почему вы выбираете машины, бывшие в употреблении?

  • Быстрая поставка
  • Низкая стоимости приобретения
  • Более низкая амортизация
  • Такие же функции, как и у новых машин
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