Aweta 2xG AV-8/36+1 Двойная 8-я линия
Только 1Русский
- Документы
За и против
- С 9 двойными упаковочными конвейерами
- С 6 наполнителями для баков с водой
- Лучшее б/у предложение
- High capacity
- Дополнительные конкурентоспособные цены
Aweta 2xG AV-8/36+1 Двойная 8-я линия
- Aweta dubbele 8 spoor sorteermachine
- Sorteert op maat en gewicht
- Geschikt voor appels en peren
- 36 uitgangen
- Ophaallocatie :Ten oosten van Brussel België

Технические спецификации:
Модель: | 2xG AV-8/36+1 |
Состояние | Б/у, продается в текущем состоянии, как сейчас |
Год: | 2009 |
Двигатель: | 400 Volt, 3 Phase + 0 |
Мощность: | 10.000 - 15.000 кг/час |
Транспортные размеры: | 245 cm (ширина) |
Сортирует по: | Масса, Размер |
Количество выходов: | 32+1 |
Количество подающих линий: | 2 х 8 |
За и против
- С 9 двойными упаковочными конвейерами
- С 6 наполнителями для баков с водой
This grading line for apples and pears consist of the following parts:
2 x Stas water unloader
- Suitable for apples and pears
- Lift in the floor for sinking fruits, such as pears
- Crate clamp can tilt
- Roller conveyor 480 x 130 cm for buffer system for boxes
- Water chanels 175 cm wide
- Disc conveyor to discarge the fruit from the water 2 x 80 cm wide per water chanel
- Web discharge conveyor to discharge the waste from the water
Aweta double 8-lane grading machine
- Sorts by weight, colour and size (lenght and diameter)
- One of the machines has an extra camera
- Suitable for apples and pears
- 36 exits + 1
- 18 exits connect to a take-off conveyor (odd numbers)
- 18 exits exit onto a box filler (even numbers)
- Discharge belts at the exits run through both 8 lane machines
- V belts
- Brush singulator
- Maintenance trolley to drive over the cuppers
- Capacity +/- 10.000 kg / hour
9 x Stas double packaging belts 600 cm
- 6 scales per packing set = 3 scales per side
- Box discharge belt 60 cm wide
- Roller conveyor for supply of empty boxes
6 x Stas underwater bin fillers
- One bin filler works for 3 exits
- Each bin filler has it's own pump
- The bottom of the water buffer / tank drops, which makes it efficient in space. This eliminates the need for long water channels.
- Water tank is partly sunk into the ground
- Suitable for apples and pears
Bin washer
- With destacking unit
- This crate washing machine for bins hasn't been used for the last couple of years. This washing line will be sold in the current condition as it is.
Condition of the offer:
- This complete sorting line has a very competitive price.
- The line will be sold in the condition: as is, where is. This means that the price is based on disassembling and loading by the customer.
- Location: Belgium, east of Brussels
- We are open to dividing the sorting line and selling it in some parts. The packing belts will not be sold separately.
- Machine can be transported by truck after dismantling. But the grading machjine is too wide to fit into a 40ft container.

Technical specifications:
Model: | 2xG AV-8/36+1 |
Состояние | Б/у, продается в текущем состоянии, как сейчас |
Year: | 2009 |
Motor: | 400 Volt, 3 Phase + 0 |
Capacity: | 10.000 - 15.000 kg / hour |
Transport dimensions: | 245 cm (width) |
Sorts on: | Weight, Size |
Number of exits: | 32+1 |
Number of lanes: | 2 x 8 |
Aweta 2xG AV-8/36+1 Двойная 8-я линия
Цена по запросу
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- Aweta dubbele 8 spoor sorteermachine
- Sorteert op maat en gewicht
- Geschikt voor appels en peren
- 36 uitgangen
- Ophaallocatie :Ten oosten van Brussel België
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