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Оптический грейдер Tomra Odenberg Titan

optische sorteerder (1)
optische sorteerder (1)
optische sorteerder (4)
optische sorteerder (2)
optische sorteerder (3)
optische sorteerder (5
band optical grader (1)
band optical grader (2)
band optical grader (3)
bediening grader (1)
bediening grader (2)
band optische sorteermachine
band oprtische sorteerder


Оптический грейдер Tomra Odenberg Titan

Tomra Odenberg Titan 2 optical food grader This optical sorting machine is used for potatoes.

Model: Titan 2

This Titan optical sorter has many ways to work. It is used to sort out green or other colored potatoes. But it could also be used for peeled potatoes, to sort out the ones that aren't peeled good enough.

A big advantage of this machine is the big capacity of max. 55 tons per hour. Working width 150 cm.

The Titan optical food sorter is a performance machine to sort out, for example green potatoes.

Технические спецификации:

Модель:Titan 2
Мощность:150 cm, Till +/- 55 tons / hour


Tomra Odenberg Titan 2 optical food grader This optical sorting machine is used for potatoes.

Model: Titan 2

This Titan optical sorter has many ways to work. It is used to sort out green or other colored potatoes. But it could also be used for peeled potatoes, to sort out the ones that aren't peeled good enough.

A big advantage of this machine is the big capacity of max. 55 tons per hour. Working width 150 cm.

The Titan optical food sorter is a performance machine to sort out, for example green potatoes.

Technical specifications:

Model:Titan 2
Capacity:150 cm, Till +/- 55 tons / hour

Оптический грейдер Tomra Odenberg Titan

К сожалению, Оптический грейдер Tomra Odenberg Titan продана..

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Tomra Odenberg Titan 2 optical food grader This optical sorting machine is used for potatoes.

Model: Titan 2

This Titan optical sorter has many ways to work. It is used to sort out green or other colored potatoes. But it could also be used for peeled potatoes, to sort out the ones that aren't peeled good enough.

A big advantage of this machine is the big capacity of max. 55 tons per hour. Working width 150 cm.

The Titan optical food sorter is a performance machine to sort out, for example green potatoes.

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  • Такие же функции, как и у новых машин
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