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Косилка для лука Holaras UR

Цена по запросу

Holaras UMR300 + UR170
Holaras UMR300 + UR170
Holaras UR onion harvester
Holaras UR onion windrower
Holaras UR onion windrower
Holaras UR onion harvester
Holaras UR onion harvester
Holaras UR onion harvester
Holaras UR onion harvester
Holaras UR onion harvester
Holaras UM300 + UR285 harvester
Holaras UMR150 + UR135
Holaras UMR300 + UR170-HZ
Holaras UMR300 + UR170-HZ harvester

За и против

  • Настройте машину в соответствии с вашими потребностями


Косилка для лука Holaras UR

New Holaras UR onion windrowers

The Holaras UR onion windrower picks up onions from the soil with a square-bar digging shaft. Alongside this digging shaft, there are coulter disc blades and a V-shaped plough on each side. Both the coulter disc blades and the plough prevent losses when picking up the onions.

Standaard including:

  • Square-bar digging shaft
  • Spiral intake roller 
  • Pressure roller
  • Walterscheid PTO
  • The onion harvester is supplied as standard with a 3/4” O-ring chain and double bearings for driving the digging shaft.

Would you like to receive a quote for a Holaras UR onion harvester? 
Tell us which of the following options and working width you are looking for. 


  • Hydraulic bunker incl. driven spreader roller
  • Cross tires (2 dw)
  • Electric/hydraulic depth control/two buttons
  • Set of support wheels, spindle adjustment
  • Freewheel coupling
  • Foam feed roller
  • Twisted digging shaft
  • Set of digging shares
  • Lighting + marking boards
  • Mechanically-driven pressure roller
  • All functions electric / hydraulic controlled

ModelUR 135UR 170UR 205UR 285
Functional width135 cm170 cm 205 cm285 cm
Track width150 cm180 cm225 cm300 cm
Weight+/- 975 kg+/- 1300 kg+/- 1650 kg+/- 2250 kg
Number of wheels2244
Hydraulic bunkerOption OptionStandaardNot applicable
Mechaniccaly driven pressure rollerOptionOptionStandaardNot applicable

No lost harvest

Onions are lifted from the soil by means of a square bar (lifting bar or rod). The counters and V-shaped shares mounted on either side of the square lifting bar eliminate wastage by the first pick-up we b. The rubber intake roller mounted behind the square lifting bar deposits the onions on the agitating web. This shakes off soil and trash and deposits the onions to a second belt, which leaves them via tanker ‘K’ damage free on the ground. After air-drying the onions are ready for safe and smooth collection.

Технические спецификации:


За и против

  • Настройте машину в соответствии с вашими потребностями


New Holaras UR onion windrowers

The Holaras UR onion windrower picks up onions from the soil with a square-bar digging shaft. Alongside this digging shaft, there are coulter disc blades and a V-shaped plough on each side. Both the coulter disc blades and the plough prevent losses when picking up the onions.

Standaard including:

  • Square-bar digging shaft
  • Spiral intake roller 
  • Pressure roller
  • Walterscheid PTO
  • The onion harvester is supplied as standard with a 3/4” O-ring chain and double bearings for driving the digging shaft.

Would you like to receive a quote for a Holaras UR onion harvester? 
Tell us which of the following options and working width you are looking for. 


  • Hydraulic bunker incl. driven spreader roller
  • Cross tires (2 dw)
  • Electric/hydraulic depth control/two buttons
  • Set of support wheels, spindle adjustment
  • Freewheel coupling
  • Foam feed roller
  • Twisted digging shaft
  • Set of digging shares
  • Lighting + marking boards
  • Mechanically-driven pressure roller
  • All functions electric / hydraulic controlled

ModelUR 135UR 170UR 205UR 285
Functional width135 cm170 cm 205 cm285 cm
Track width150 cm180 cm225 cm300 cm
Weight+/- 975 kg+/- 1300 kg+/- 1650 kg+/- 2250 kg
Number of wheels2244
Hydraulic bunkerOption OptionStandaardNot applicable
Mechaniccaly driven pressure rollerOptionOptionStandaardNot applicable

No lost harvest

Onions are lifted from the soil by means of a square bar (lifting bar or rod). The counters and V-shaped shares mounted on either side of the square lifting bar eliminate wastage by the first pick-up we b. The rubber intake roller mounted behind the square lifting bar deposits the onions on the agitating web. This shakes off soil and trash and deposits the onions to a second belt, which leaves them via tanker ‘K’ damage free on the ground. After air-drying the onions are ready for safe and smooth collection.

Technical specifications:


Косилка для лука Holaras UR

Цена по запросу

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New Holaras UR onion windrowers

The Holaras UR onion windrower picks up onions from the soil with a square-bar digging shaft. Alongside this digging shaft, there are coulter disc blades and a V-shaped plough on each side. Both the coulter disc blades and the plough prevent losses when picking up the onions.

Standaard including:

  • Square-bar digging shaft
  • Spiral intake roller 
  • Pressure roller
  • Walterscheid PTO
  • The onion harvester is supplied as standard with a 3/4” O-ring chain and double bearings for driving the digging shaft.

Would you like to receive a quote for a Holaras UR onion harvester? 
Tell us which of the following options and working width you are looking for. 


  • Hydraulic bunker incl. driven spreader roller
  • Cross tires (2 dw)
  • Electric/hydraulic depth control/two buttons
  • Set of support wheels, spindle adjustment
  • Freewheel coupling
  • Foam feed roller
  • Twisted digging shaft
  • Set of digging shares
  • Lighting + marking boards
  • Mechanically-driven pressure roller
  • All functions electric / hydraulic controlled

ModelUR 135UR 170UR 205UR 285
Functional width135 cm170 cm 205 cm285 cm
Track width150 cm180 cm225 cm300 cm
Weight+/- 975 kg+/- 1300 kg+/- 1650 kg+/- 2250 kg
Number of wheels2244
Hydraulic bunkerOption OptionStandaardNot applicable
Mechaniccaly driven pressure rollerOptionOptionStandaardNot applicable

No lost harvest

Onions are lifted from the soil by means of a square bar (lifting bar or rod). The counters and V-shaped shares mounted on either side of the square lifting bar eliminate wastage by the first pick-up we b. The rubber intake roller mounted behind the square lifting bar deposits the onions on the agitating web. This shakes off soil and trash and deposits the onions to a second belt, which leaves them via tanker ‘K’ damage free on the ground. After air-drying the onions are ready for safe and smooth collection.

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  • Такие же функции, как и у новых машин
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