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Javo Standaard SE Машина для набивки горшков торфом

Дополнительные конкурентоспособные цены

За и против

  • Лифт SE подходит для тяжелых почв
  • Дополнительные конкурентоспособные цены
  • Без выброса горшка


Javo Standaard SE Машина для набивки горшков торфом

Javo Standaard SE (special elevator) potting machine

  • Pneumatic potdispenser
  • Drill

The Javo Standard is one of the most accepted potting machines in the horticultural sector. Suitable for practically all cultures (pot plants, flower bulbs, shrubs, nursery stock, perennials, etc.). The machine is also suitable for many different soil types (also fibrous and compact soils).

This potting machine is standard equipped with 4 wheels. This allows the machine to be placed wherever desired. The speed of the soil supply belt inside the machine is adjustable.

The Javo Standard potting machine is  equipped with 20 pot positions.


  • Suitable for pots from 5 up to 19 cm with the right potholders (bigger possible with drill interupter)
  • Suitable for practically all cultures and soil types
  • Equipped with 2 wheels and 2 swivel wheels
  • Equipped with 3 electro motors
  • including 1 set potholders


  • Pot holders for different pot sizes

Technical specifications for transport

  • Length (3,230mm)
  • Width (1,200mm)
  • Height (1,730mm)
  • Weight (600kg)
  • 380 volt 3-phase, 50-60Hz

Технические спецификации:

Модель:Standaard SE
СостояниеБ/у, проверено собственными механиками
Транспортные размеры:320 cm x 140 cm x 240 cm (длина x ширина x высота)
Транспортный вес:1000кг
Диспенсер для горшков:Пневматический с одним толкателем
Макс. диаметр горшка (в см):19
Количество прихваток:20
Подходит для двойных горшков:Нет
Выгрузка горшка:Нет

За и против

  • Лифт SE подходит для тяжелых почв
  • Без выброса горшка


Javo Standaard SE (special elevator) potting machine

  • Pneumatic potdispenser
  • Drill

The Javo Standard is one of the most accepted potting machines in the horticultural sector. Suitable for practically all cultures (pot plants, flower bulbs, shrubs, nursery stock, perennials, etc.). The machine is also suitable for many different soil types (also fibrous and compact soils).

This potting machine is standard equipped with 4 wheels. This allows the machine to be placed wherever desired. The speed of the soil supply belt inside the machine is adjustable.

The Javo Standard potting machine is  equipped with 20 pot positions.


  • Suitable for pots from 5 up to 19 cm with the right potholders (bigger possible with drill interupter)
  • Suitable for practically all cultures and soil types
  • Equipped with 2 wheels and 2 swivel wheels
  • Equipped with 3 electro motors
  • including 1 set potholders


  • Pot holders for different pot sizes

Technical specifications for transport

  • Length (3,230mm)
  • Width (1,200mm)
  • Height (1,730mm)
  • Weight (600kg)
  • 380 volt 3-phase, 50-60Hz

Technical specifications:

Model:Standaard SE
СостояниеБ/у, проверено собственными механиками
Transport dimensions:320 cm x 140 cm x 240 cm (length x width x height)
Transport weight:1000кг
Pot dispenser:Pneumatic with single pusher
Max. diameter pot size (in cm):19
Number of pot holders:20
Fitted for double pots:No
Pot discharge:No

380 Volt

Javo Standaard SE Машина для набивки горшков торфом

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Javo Standaard SE (special elevator) potting machine

  • Pneumatic potdispenser
  • Drill

The Javo Standard is one of the most accepted potting machines in the horticultural sector. Suitable for practically all cultures (pot plants, flower bulbs, shrubs, nursery stock, perennials, etc.). The machine is also suitable for many different soil types (also fibrous and compact soils).

This potting machine is standard equipped with 4 wheels. This allows the machine to be placed wherever desired. The speed of the soil supply belt inside the machine is adjustable.

The Javo Standard potting machine is  equipped with 20 pot positions.


  • Suitable for pots from 5 up to 19 cm with the right potholders (bigger possible with drill interupter)
  • Suitable for practically all cultures and soil types
  • Equipped with 2 wheels and 2 swivel wheels
  • Equipped with 3 electro motors
  • including 1 set potholders


  • Pot holders for different pot sizes

Technical specifications for transport

  • Length (3,230mm)
  • Width (1,200mm)
  • Height (1,730mm)
  • Weight (600kg)
  • 380 volt 3-phase, 50-60Hz

Почему вы выбираете машины, бывшие в употреблении?

  • Быстрая поставка
  • Низкая стоимости приобретения
  • Более низкая амортизация
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