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Передвижной бункер для хранения почвы с большим наполнителем Javo

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Передвижной бункер для хранения почвы с большим наполнителем Javo

Javo Big Filler.
The Javo Big Filler offers a lot of flexibility wherever substrate needs to be elevated and distributed evenly and exactly. The standard mobile design is suitable for virtually all different kinds of substrate.

The Javo Big Filler is a mobile soil storage bin with a standard capacity of 4 cubic yards. The soil bin can be supplied from three sides with virtually all kind of soil systems.

The substrate is transported to the elevator on a wide conveyor belt and volume adjustment is simple and stepless.

The wide pneumatic tires allow for easy mobility. A triangle allows for coupling to any type of vehicle.

  • Specifications:
  • Very user friendly
  • Equipped with 2 wheels and 2 swivel wheels
  •  Supplied with a CEE plug, 16 Amp
  • Soil bin extension
  •  Automatic soil level control

Технические спецификации:

Модель:Big filler
СостояниеБ/у, проверено собственными механиками
Транспортные размеры:510 cm x 135 cm x 200 cm (длина x ширина x высота)


Javo Big Filler.
The Javo Big Filler offers a lot of flexibility wherever substrate needs to be elevated and distributed evenly and exactly. The standard mobile design is suitable for virtually all different kinds of substrate.

The Javo Big Filler is a mobile soil storage bin with a standard capacity of 4 cubic yards. The soil bin can be supplied from three sides with virtually all kind of soil systems.

The substrate is transported to the elevator on a wide conveyor belt and volume adjustment is simple and stepless.

The wide pneumatic tires allow for easy mobility. A triangle allows for coupling to any type of vehicle.

  • Specifications:
  • Very user friendly
  • Equipped with 2 wheels and 2 swivel wheels
  •  Supplied with a CEE plug, 16 Amp
  • Soil bin extension
  •  Automatic soil level control

Technical specifications:

Model:Big filler
СостояниеБ/у, проверено собственными механиками
Transport dimensions:510 cm x 135 cm x 200 cm (length x width x height)

Передвижной бункер для хранения почвы с большим наполнителем Javo

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Big filler

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Javo Big Filler.
The Javo Big Filler offers a lot of flexibility wherever substrate needs to be elevated and distributed evenly and exactly. The standard mobile design is suitable for virtually all different kinds of substrate.

The Javo Big Filler is a mobile soil storage bin with a standard capacity of 4 cubic yards. The soil bin can be supplied from three sides with virtually all kind of soil systems.

The substrate is transported to the elevator on a wide conveyor belt and volume adjustment is simple and stepless.

The wide pneumatic tires allow for easy mobility. A triangle allows for coupling to any type of vehicle.

  • Specifications:
  • Very user friendly
  • Equipped with 2 wheels and 2 swivel wheels
  •  Supplied with a CEE plug, 16 Amp
  • Soil bin extension
  •  Automatic soil level control

Почему вы выбираете машины, бывшие в употреблении?

  • Быстрая поставка
  • Низкая стоимости приобретения
  • Более низкая амортизация
  • Такие же функции, как и у новых машин
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Опоры/ножки для конвейеров
Aweta conveyor 625 x 60 cm
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Опора/нога для конвейеров