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Schouten Плоский конвейер 1070 х 50 см, нержавеющая сталь

€ 2.650,- (без учета НДС)

Schouten RVS transportband 1070 cm
Дополнительные конкурентоспособные цены
Schouten RVS transportband 1070 cm
Schouten RVS transportband 1070 cm
Schouten RVS transportband 1070 cm
Schouten RVS transportband 1070 cm
Schouten RVS transportband 1070 cm
Schouten RVS transportband 1070 cm
Schouten RVS transportband 1070 cm
Schouten RVS transportband 1070 cm
Schouten RVS transportband 1070 cm
Schouten RVS transportband 1070 cm
Schouten RVS transportband 1070 cm

За и против

  • Дополнительные конкурентоспособные цены


Schouten Плоский конвейер 1070 х 50 см, нержавеющая сталь

Schouten stainless steel conveyor

  • 1070 x 50 cm
  • Fixed speed, 28.4 meter/min
  • With guides that separate the products on the conveyor in 2 lanes.
  • On both sides of the conveyor belt there is a turn-off that can be adjusted at the end so that all, of the products fall to the side.
    • Output height: 75 cm (On both sideways, as well as on standard output of the conveyor belt)
    • Output width: 29 cm (On both sideways)
  • First input:
    • 183 cm high
    • 50 x 59 cm
    • Input can be switched between both conveyor lanes
  • Second input:
    • 136 cm high
    • 50 x 59 cm
    • Input can be switched between both conveyor lanes
    • Both lanes can also be filled at the same time, input measurements: 37 x 59 cm & 13 x 59 cm

Технические спецификации:

Размеры:1070 cm x 50 cm (длина x ширина)


Schouten stainless steel conveyor

  • 1070 x 50 cm
  • Fixed speed, 28.4 meter/min
  • With guides that separate the products on the conveyor in 2 lanes.
  • On both sides of the conveyor belt there is a turn-off that can be adjusted at the end so that all, of the products fall to the side.
    • Output height: 75 cm (On both sideways, as well as on standard output of the conveyor belt)
    • Output width: 29 cm (On both sideways)
  • First input:
    • 183 cm high
    • 50 x 59 cm
    • Input can be switched between both conveyor lanes
  • Second input:
    • 136 cm high
    • 50 x 59 cm
    • Input can be switched between both conveyor lanes
    • Both lanes can also be filled at the same time, input measurements: 37 x 59 cm & 13 x 59 cm

Technical specifications:

Dimensions:1070 cm x 50 cm (length x width)

Schouten Плоский конвейер 1070 х 50 см, нержавеющая сталь

€ 2.950 € 2.650,- (без учета НДС)

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Schouten stainless steel conveyor

  • 1070 x 50 cm
  • Fixed speed, 28.4 meter/min
  • With guides that separate the products on the conveyor in 2 lanes.
  • On both sides of the conveyor belt there is a turn-off that can be adjusted at the end so that all, of the products fall to the side.
    • Output height: 75 cm (On both sideways, as well as on standard output of the conveyor belt)
    • Output width: 29 cm (On both sideways)
  • First input:
    • 183 cm high
    • 50 x 59 cm
    • Input can be switched between both conveyor lanes
  • Second input:
    • 136 cm high
    • 50 x 59 cm
    • Input can be switched between both conveyor lanes
    • Both lanes can also be filled at the same time, input measurements: 37 x 59 cm & 13 x 59 cm

Почему вы выбираете машины, бывшие в употреблении?

  • Быстрая поставка
  • Низкая стоимости приобретения
  • Более низкая амортизация
  • Такие же функции, как и у новых машин
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