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Уборочный комбайн Engels Aspergespin для спаржи

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Уборочный комбайн Engels Aspergespin для спаржи

Engels Electric  Aspergespin harvester/support  for asparagus 1 row

complete with:

  • charger

The AspergeSpin is your guarantee that you will manage to harvest all asparagus that is ready for harvesting, regardless of the field conditions. The single-row harvesting system enables one person to harvest one hectare of asparagus throughout the season. And there is no need to worry if daily production is more than 400 kg on peak days/per person: one person can harvest more than 40 kg an hour. This gives you the certainty that you will always havesufficient harvesting capacity.

The sturdy construction and the robust drive system of the AspergeSpin  guarantee a reliable machine which is ready for use every day. The power-efficient battery lets the machine work all day long. The combination of a powerful electric motor and a clever drive system offers the perfect balance between power and energy consumption.

Saving on the number of workers – that is the main objective of the AspergeSpin. The AspergeSpin lets your staff carry out their harvesting work under ideal conditions, resulting in improved productivity, a better quality of the asparagus harvested and more constant harvesting times. This makes the harvesting work less labour intensive, enabling your staff to work more hours every day. Questions? We will be happy to answer them.

Not enough workers? – The AspergeSpin is the ideal solution to this problem. When using the AspergeSpin you no longer need a large crew to harvest the asparagus: one person will then be able to harvest one hectare of asparagus a day, in most conditions. Even on peak days!


Технические спецификации:

Модель:Aspergespin A1


Engels Electric  Aspergespin harvester/support  for asparagus 1 row

complete with:

  • charger

The AspergeSpin is your guarantee that you will manage to harvest all asparagus that is ready for harvesting, regardless of the field conditions. The single-row harvesting system enables one person to harvest one hectare of asparagus throughout the season. And there is no need to worry if daily production is more than 400 kg on peak days/per person: one person can harvest more than 40 kg an hour. This gives you the certainty that you will always havesufficient harvesting capacity.

The sturdy construction and the robust drive system of the AspergeSpin  guarantee a reliable machine which is ready for use every day. The power-efficient battery lets the machine work all day long. The combination of a powerful electric motor and a clever drive system offers the perfect balance between power and energy consumption.

Saving on the number of workers – that is the main objective of the AspergeSpin. The AspergeSpin lets your staff carry out their harvesting work under ideal conditions, resulting in improved productivity, a better quality of the asparagus harvested and more constant harvesting times. This makes the harvesting work less labour intensive, enabling your staff to work more hours every day. Questions? We will be happy to answer them.

Not enough workers? – The AspergeSpin is the ideal solution to this problem. When using the AspergeSpin you no longer need a large crew to harvest the asparagus: one person will then be able to harvest one hectare of asparagus a day, in most conditions. Even on peak days!


Technical specifications:

Model:Aspergespin A1

Уборочный комбайн Engels Aspergespin для спаржи

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Aspergespin A1

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Engels Electric  Aspergespin harvester/support  for asparagus 1 row

complete with:

  • charger

The AspergeSpin is your guarantee that you will manage to harvest all asparagus that is ready for harvesting, regardless of the field conditions. The single-row harvesting system enables one person to harvest one hectare of asparagus throughout the season. And there is no need to worry if daily production is more than 400 kg on peak days/per person: one person can harvest more than 40 kg an hour. This gives you the certainty that you will always havesufficient harvesting capacity.

The sturdy construction and the robust drive system of the AspergeSpin  guarantee a reliable machine which is ready for use every day. The power-efficient battery lets the machine work all day long. The combination of a powerful electric motor and a clever drive system offers the perfect balance between power and energy consumption.

Saving on the number of workers – that is the main objective of the AspergeSpin. The AspergeSpin lets your staff carry out their harvesting work under ideal conditions, resulting in improved productivity, a better quality of the asparagus harvested and more constant harvesting times. This makes the harvesting work less labour intensive, enabling your staff to work more hours every day. Questions? We will be happy to answer them.

Not enough workers? – The AspergeSpin is the ideal solution to this problem. When using the AspergeSpin you no longer need a large crew to harvest the asparagus: one person will then be able to harvest one hectare of asparagus a day, in most conditions. Even on peak days!

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