Asa lift 1 ряд вытащил морковный комбайн с лифтом
Asa lift 1 ряд вытащил морковный комбайн с лифтом
Asa lift 1 row pulled carrot harvester with elevator
- With own hydraulic system
- With discharge elavator
- With double cleaning fingers
Top lifters use rubber belts to grab the green tops of the carrot plant and pull them from the soil. A share pushes under the carrot root and loosens the plant.
The belt takes the carrots, with tops, in to the machine where the tops are cut off and sent along a waste path and dropped back on to the field.
Asa lift 1 row pulled carrot harvester with elevator
- With own hydraulic system
- With discharge elavator
- With double cleaning fingers
Top lifters use rubber belts to grab the green tops of the carrot plant and pull them from the soil. A share pushes under the carrot root and loosens the plant.
The belt takes the carrots, with tops, in to the machine where the tops are cut off and sent along a waste path and dropped back on to the field.
Asa lift 1 ряд вытащил морковный комбайн с лифтом
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Asa lift 1 row pulled carrot harvester with elevator
- With own hydraulic system
- With discharge elavator
- With double cleaning fingers
Top lifters use rubber belts to grab the green tops of the carrot plant and pull them from the soil. A share pushes under the carrot root and loosens the plant.
The belt takes the carrots, with tops, in to the machine where the tops are cut off and sent along a waste path and dropped back on to the field.
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