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Линия посева Visser Granudine
Линия посева Visser Granudine
Lehners ручная сеялка для лотков с 285 ячейками
Horti-Europe Машинa для высева в лотки
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Lehners ручная сеялка для Quickpot 54 лотка с 35 ячейками
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Lehners ручная сеялка для лотков с 285 ячейками
Lehners ручная сеялка для лотков с 285 ячейками

Сеялка для лотков Mosa

Mosa seeding machine, now for Quickpot trays


Сеялка для лотков Mosa

Mosa T055 electronic needle seeder

The Precision Needle Seeder will sow a wide variety of seed types into most standard plug trays. 

Mosa "Precision Drop" needle seeder

This tray seeding machine offers growers tremendous value considering the host of features it boasts. With features only usually found on very 'high end' machines costing far more. When you take delivery of your TO55.S you will be able to look forward to consistently precise seeding, accurate seed positioning in the cell and elimination of seed bouncing. For once you can take control of your seed sowing activities with the easy to operate TO55.S. The Precision drop seeding machine stands out from the pack with truly outstanding features only normally found on far more expensive machines

  • Total precision control for a wide range of seed
  • Large volumes of seeds not required
  • Fast change over between trays approx 5 mins!
  • Easy to get needles for different seed  common hospital injection needles 
  • Single phase 230v
  • Complete with vacuum pump
  • No compressor is required
  • Four adjustable feet for easy leveling
  • Used for Quickpot 77 cell trays (11 x 7 cells), outside 55 x 35 x 5 cm (L x W x H), cells diameter 4,5/5 cm
  • New seeding bar and dibbler can be made custom to your trays for +/- € 750,-. (Price is depending on the number of cells)

Технические спецификации:



Mosa T055 electronic needle seeder

The Precision Needle Seeder will sow a wide variety of seed types into most standard plug trays. 

Mosa "Precision Drop" needle seeder

This tray seeding machine offers growers tremendous value considering the host of features it boasts. With features only usually found on very 'high end' machines costing far more. When you take delivery of your TO55.S you will be able to look forward to consistently precise seeding, accurate seed positioning in the cell and elimination of seed bouncing. For once you can take control of your seed sowing activities with the easy to operate TO55.S. The Precision drop seeding machine stands out from the pack with truly outstanding features only normally found on far more expensive machines

  • Total precision control for a wide range of seed
  • Large volumes of seeds not required
  • Fast change over between trays approx 5 mins!
  • Easy to get needles for different seed  common hospital injection needles 
  • Single phase 230v
  • Complete with vacuum pump
  • No compressor is required
  • Four adjustable feet for easy leveling
  • Used for Quickpot 77 cell trays (11 x 7 cells), outside 55 x 35 x 5 cm (L x W x H), cells diameter 4,5/5 cm
  • New seeding bar and dibbler can be made custom to your trays for +/- € 750,-. (Price is depending on the number of cells)

Technical specifications:


Сеялка для лотков Mosa

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Mosa T055 electronic needle seeder

The Precision Needle Seeder will sow a wide variety of seed types into most standard plug trays. 

Mosa "Precision Drop" needle seeder

This tray seeding machine offers growers tremendous value considering the host of features it boasts. With features only usually found on very 'high end' machines costing far more. When you take delivery of your TO55.S you will be able to look forward to consistently precise seeding, accurate seed positioning in the cell and elimination of seed bouncing. For once you can take control of your seed sowing activities with the easy to operate TO55.S. The Precision drop seeding machine stands out from the pack with truly outstanding features only normally found on far more expensive machines

  • Total precision control for a wide range of seed
  • Large volumes of seeds not required
  • Fast change over between trays approx 5 mins!
  • Easy to get needles for different seed  common hospital injection needles 
  • Single phase 230v
  • Complete with vacuum pump
  • No compressor is required
  • Four adjustable feet for easy leveling
  • Used for Quickpot 77 cell trays (11 x 7 cells), outside 55 x 35 x 5 cm (L x W x H), cells diameter 4,5/5 cm
  • New seeding bar and dibbler can be made custom to your trays for +/- € 750,-. (Price is depending on the number of cells)

Почему вы выбираете машины, бывшие в употреблении?

  • Быстрая поставка
  • Низкая стоимости приобретения
  • Более низкая амортизация
  • Такие же функции, как и у новых машин
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