Этикетировочная машина Bizerba GLM с контрольными весами
Этикетировочная машина Bizerba GLM с контрольными весами
Bizerba GLM-I weigh price top labeller with European certification / registration
This machine can be used throughout Europe.
- Top labeling
- Color touchscreen
- Price weight function
- Check weigher (checks the weight and therefore has a checkweighing function)
- 100 labels per minute
- Incl. 1 set of new belts (value € 350)
- Ideally suited for combining with packaging machines
- Year 2009
Machine has been checked by manufacturer and works properly. The machine has not been overhauled.
New price of this machine is approximately € 50.000 - € 60.000.
Ideally suitable for combining with a packaging machines.

Bizerba GLM-I weigh price top labeller with European certification / registration
This machine can be used throughout Europe.
- Top labeling
- Color touchscreen
- Price weight function
- Check weigher (checks the weight and therefore has a checkweighing function)
- 100 labels per minute
- Incl. 1 set of new belts (value € 350)
- Ideally suited for combining with packaging machines
- Year 2009
Machine has been checked by manufacturer and works properly. The machine has not been overhauled.
New price of this machine is approximately € 50.000 - € 60.000.
Ideally suitable for combining with a packaging machines.

Этикетировочная машина Bizerba GLM с контрольными весами
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Bizerba GLM-I weigh price top labeller with European certification / registration
This machine can be used throughout Europe.
- Top labeling
- Color touchscreen
- Price weight function
- Check weigher (checks the weight and therefore has a checkweighing function)
- 100 labels per minute
- Incl. 1 set of new belts (value € 350)
- Ideally suited for combining with packaging machines
- Year 2009
Machine has been checked by manufacturer and works properly. The machine has not been overhauled.
New price of this machine is approximately € 50.000 - € 60.000.
Ideally suitable for combining with a packaging machines.
Почему вы выбираете машины, бывшие в употреблении?
- Быстрая поставка
- Низкая стоимости приобретения
- Более низкая амортизация
- Такие же функции, как и у новых машин
Машины для Помидоры
Вы заинтересовались этой машиной?
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Подать заявку на торговое предложение
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Выберите этот вариант, если вы хотите получить торговое предложение на несколько машин.
У меня есть вопросы по поводу этой конкретной машины.
Меня заинтересовала данная машина, но сначала я хочу задать вопрос.