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Ilapak Carrera 1000 PC машина для упаковки в поток

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Ilapak Carrera 1000 PC машина для упаковки в поток

Ilapak Carrera 1000 PC flow packing machine

Electronically controlled flow wrapping machine for middle range and multipurpose applications. Thanks to the use of servomotors and  PLC control platform the Carrera 1000 features a wide range of customized configurations and fast & easy size change operations. The cantilever design and the stainless steel configuration gives the Carrera 1000 a leading edge in harsh environments.ILAPAK’s horizontal rotary jaw Carrera flow wrappers can be tailored to match each customer’s specific needs, and deliver maximum production flexibility and efficiency at each performance level.

Технические спецификации:

Модель:carrera 100 Pc
Двигатель:380 Volt
Транспортные размеры:585 cm x 130 cm x 190 cm (длина x ширина x высота)


Ilapak Carrera 1000 PC flow packing machine

Electronically controlled flow wrapping machine for middle range and multipurpose applications. Thanks to the use of servomotors and  PLC control platform the Carrera 1000 features a wide range of customized configurations and fast & easy size change operations. The cantilever design and the stainless steel configuration gives the Carrera 1000 a leading edge in harsh environments.ILAPAK’s horizontal rotary jaw Carrera flow wrappers can be tailored to match each customer’s specific needs, and deliver maximum production flexibility and efficiency at each performance level.

Technical specifications:

Model:carrera 100 Pc
Motor:380 Volt
Transport dimensions:585 cm x 130 cm x 190 cm (length x width x height)

Ilapak Carrera 1000 PC машина для упаковки в поток

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Ilapak Carrera 1000 PC flow packing machine

Electronically controlled flow wrapping machine for middle range and multipurpose applications. Thanks to the use of servomotors and  PLC control platform the Carrera 1000 features a wide range of customized configurations and fast & easy size change operations. The cantilever design and the stainless steel configuration gives the Carrera 1000 a leading edge in harsh environments.ILAPAK’s horizontal rotary jaw Carrera flow wrappers can be tailored to match each customer’s specific needs, and deliver maximum production flexibility and efficiency at each performance level.

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