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С 1977 г.
  • Качественное оборудование
  • Обученный персонал
  • Поставки по всему миру
  • С 1977 г.
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Стенд Stanhay Powavator 180 см



Стенд Stanhay Powavator 180 см

Stanhay Powavator bedformer

  • Working width of 180 cm
  • Wheels on 200 cm

This Stanhay Powavator bed forming machine makes a prefect seedbed.

The bedformer is composed of:

  • A cutter shaft with blades that turns in the same direction as the moving tractor.
  • A rear rake with teeth that turns in the opposite direction.
  • The front rotor (cutter shaft) pulverizes the soil without smoothing out the bottom thanks to the shallow incline of the blades.
  • The rear rotor (rake) breaks up the clods, rakes off, levels and caps the soil.

Технические спецификации:

Модель:Stanhay Powavator 180 cm
Размеры:180 cm (ширина)


Stanhay Powavator bedformer

  • Working width of 180 cm
  • Wheels on 200 cm

This Stanhay Powavator bed forming machine makes a prefect seedbed.

The bedformer is composed of:

  • A cutter shaft with blades that turns in the same direction as the moving tractor.
  • A rear rake with teeth that turns in the opposite direction.
  • The front rotor (cutter shaft) pulverizes the soil without smoothing out the bottom thanks to the shallow incline of the blades.
  • The rear rotor (rake) breaks up the clods, rakes off, levels and caps the soil.

Technical specifications:

Model:Stanhay Powavator 180 cm
Dimensions:180 cm (width)

Стенд Stanhay Powavator 180 см

К сожалению, Стенд Stanhay Powavator 180 см продана..

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Stanhay Powavator 180 cm

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Stanhay Powavator bedformer

  • Working width of 180 cm
  • Wheels on 200 cm

This Stanhay Powavator bed forming machine makes a prefect seedbed.

The bedformer is composed of:

  • A cutter shaft with blades that turns in the same direction as the moving tractor.
  • A rear rake with teeth that turns in the opposite direction.
  • The front rotor (cutter shaft) pulverizes the soil without smoothing out the bottom thanks to the shallow incline of the blades.
  • The rear rotor (rake) breaks up the clods, rakes off, levels and caps the soil.

Почему вы выбираете машины, бывшие в употреблении?

  • Быстрая поставка
  • Низкая стоимости приобретения
  • Более низкая амортизация
  • Такие же функции, как и у новых машин
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