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Сканер Climax CTHV 1500-80

Climax store loader 15 meter
Climax store loader 15 meter
Climax store loader 15 meter
Climax store loader 15 meter
Climax store loader 15 meter


Сканер Climax CTHV 1500-80

Climax CTHV 1500-80 store loader with wireless remote controle

Space finder for potatoes, onions and grain.

  • Length: 15 meter
  • Wide belt 80 cm
  • Wireless remote control
  • Automatic swivelling (The wheels react when driving against the stop, stop itself is not included)
  • Electric / hydraulic height adjustment
  • Electric length adjustment
  • Complete roller supported

This box filler can be used to as part of storage technology and processing systems for potatoes.


Технические спецификации:

Модель:CTHV 1500-80
Транспортные размеры:1050 cm x 285 cm x 190 cm (длина x ширина x высота)
Размеры:1500 cm x 80 cm (длина x ширина)


Climax CTHV 1500-80 store loader with wireless remote controle

Space finder for potatoes, onions and grain.

  • Length: 15 meter
  • Wide belt 80 cm
  • Wireless remote control
  • Automatic swivelling (The wheels react when driving against the stop, stop itself is not included)
  • Electric / hydraulic height adjustment
  • Electric length adjustment
  • Complete roller supported

This box filler can be used to as part of storage technology and processing systems for potatoes.


Technical specifications:

Model:CTHV 1500-80
Transport dimensions:1050 cm x 285 cm x 190 cm (length x width x height)
Dimensions:1500 cm x 80 cm (length x width)

380 volt 3-phase

Сканер Climax CTHV 1500-80

К сожалению, Сканер Climax CTHV 1500-80 продана..

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CTHV 1500-80

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Climax CTHV 1500-80 store loader with wireless remote controle

Space finder for potatoes, onions and grain.

  • Length: 15 meter
  • Wide belt 80 cm
  • Wireless remote control
  • Automatic swivelling (The wheels react when driving against the stop, stop itself is not included)
  • Electric / hydraulic height adjustment
  • Electric length adjustment
  • Complete roller supported

This box filler can be used to as part of storage technology and processing systems for potatoes.

Почему вы выбираете машины, бывшие в употреблении?

  • Быстрая поставка
  • Низкая стоимости приобретения
  • Более низкая амортизация
  • Такие же функции, как и у новых машин
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