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Укладчик Viscon для коробок 60 x 40 см



Укладчик Viscon для коробок 60 x 40 см

Viscon stainless steel crate stacker for 60 cm boxes

  • 9994200803

This stacking machine has worked after a crate washing machine and before a palletizer. So the palletizer had a larger buffer and could reach a higher capacity.

The boxes are feed into the stacking machine from the right side of the pictures. 

To have an impression of this type of destacker see 4.06 of this following video

The machine will be sold in the condition as it is currently in, technically it is very neat machine, but it needs to be installed by electrician.


Технические спецификации:

Размеры:60 cm (ширина)


Viscon stainless steel crate stacker for 60 cm boxes

  • 9994200803

This stacking machine has worked after a crate washing machine and before a palletizer. So the palletizer had a larger buffer and could reach a higher capacity.

The boxes are feed into the stacking machine from the right side of the pictures. 

To have an impression of this type of destacker see 4.06 of this following video

The machine will be sold in the condition as it is currently in, technically it is very neat machine, but it needs to be installed by electrician.


Technical specifications:

Dimensions:60 cm (width)

Укладчик Viscon для коробок 60 x 40 см

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Viscon stainless steel crate stacker for 60 cm boxes

  • 9994200803

This stacking machine has worked after a crate washing machine and before a palletizer. So the palletizer had a larger buffer and could reach a higher capacity.

The boxes are feed into the stacking machine from the right side of the pictures. 

To have an impression of this type of destacker see 4.06 of this following video

The machine will be sold in the condition as it is currently in, technically it is very neat machine, but it needs to be installed by electrician.

Почему вы выбираете машины, бывшие в употреблении?

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  • Более низкая амортизация
  • Такие же функции, как и у новых машин
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