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Yamato многодуговые весовщик с Dörr denester



Yamato многодуговые весовщик с Dörr denester

Yamato Dataweigh Multihead weigher 

Specifications of Yamato ADW 334 RW2 Multi head weigher 

  • 14 weigh head buckets
  • Weighing range 2000 gram
  • Frame for weighing machine, heigth including weigher 360 cm

Complete with:

  • Steanless steal conveyor for containers / trays. 
    • Suitable for two rows of containers 
    • Length 790 cm
    • Width of trays is easily adjustable till 19 cm. Length of trays is currently max. 14 cm. 
  • Dörr denester (year 2001)
  • 2 x Dörr lid covering machine (year 1997)
  • Singulation conveyor belt to labeling machine or flow packer, length 250 cm

The Dörr denesters works electro pneumatic. It destacks in a controlled movement with great precision.

This weighing machine is complete with conveyor belt that transpots two rows of containers. 
One row of containers is put on the conveyor belt with a denester. Also there are two units that put lids on the containers.

On the video you can see the machine working. 


Технические спецификации:

Модель:ADW 334 RW2
Размеры:360 cm cm (высота)


Yamato Dataweigh Multihead weigher 

Specifications of Yamato ADW 334 RW2 Multi head weigher 

  • 14 weigh head buckets
  • Weighing range 2000 gram
  • Frame for weighing machine, heigth including weigher 360 cm

Complete with:

  • Steanless steal conveyor for containers / trays. 
    • Suitable for two rows of containers 
    • Length 790 cm
    • Width of trays is easily adjustable till 19 cm. Length of trays is currently max. 14 cm. 
  • Dörr denester (year 2001)
  • 2 x Dörr lid covering machine (year 1997)
  • Singulation conveyor belt to labeling machine or flow packer, length 250 cm

The Dörr denesters works electro pneumatic. It destacks in a controlled movement with great precision.

This weighing machine is complete with conveyor belt that transpots two rows of containers. 
One row of containers is put on the conveyor belt with a denester. Also there are two units that put lids on the containers.

On the video you can see the machine working. 


Technical specifications:

Model:ADW 334 RW2
Dimensions:360 cm cm (height)

Yamato многодуговые весовщик с Dörr denester

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Yamato Dataweigh Multihead weigher 

Specifications of Yamato ADW 334 RW2 Multi head weigher 

  • 14 weigh head buckets
  • Weighing range 2000 gram
  • Frame for weighing machine, heigth including weigher 360 cm

Complete with:

  • Steanless steal conveyor for containers / trays. 
    • Suitable for two rows of containers 
    • Length 790 cm
    • Width of trays is easily adjustable till 19 cm. Length of trays is currently max. 14 cm. 
  • Dörr denester (year 2001)
  • 2 x Dörr lid covering machine (year 1997)
  • Singulation conveyor belt to labeling machine or flow packer, length 250 cm

The Dörr denesters works electro pneumatic. It destacks in a controlled movement with great precision.

This weighing machine is complete with conveyor belt that transpots two rows of containers. 
One row of containers is put on the conveyor belt with a denester. Also there are two units that put lids on the containers.

On the video you can see the machine working. 

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  • Более низкая амортизация
  • Такие же функции, как и у новых машин
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