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Новый плантатор Basrijs leek

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Technical drawing of Basrijs leek planting machine
Новая машина
Technical drawing of Basrijs leek planting machine
Basrijs leek planting machine 7 rows
Basrijs leek planting machine 7 rows
Technical drawing of Basrijs leek planting machine
Technical drawing of Basrijs leek planting machine
Planting distances (with conveyor belt with caries spacing of 10 cm)


Новый плантатор Basrijs leek

New Basrijs BPS leek planter 

  • Disc planters with feeding belt 
  • Orbitrol control, hydraulic driven
  • Marker set manually operated
  • Available in different number of rows
  • Cover
  • Suitable for planting leeks, both loose and in pots / soil blocks.

Planting principle: 

  • The plant is placed correctly on the supply belt by the planter. 
  • The conveyor belt places the leek correctly between a metal disc and a rubber flexible disc.
  • The discs bring the leek plant into the plought / coulter and it is released.
  • Immediately the plant is pressed firmly by the pressure wheels. 
  • The machine runs on wheels which determine the speed of the planting discs driven by the tractor hydraulics by means of a chain transmission, so that the disc speed remains the same as the driving speed. 
  • Planting distance is determined by the chain transmission between disc and feed belt.

Benefits of Basrijs leek planting machine: 

  • Good working positoin. 
  • Weight of the planting person doesn’t influence pressing of the plants. 
  • Less spare parts needed. 
  • Easy adjustable machine. 
  • Narrow furrow which promotes plantgrowth. 
  • Plant is kept just shortly during earthing up, so less chance of planting tilt. 
  • Planting shallow at 5 cm planting depth.
  • Minimal row distance 45 cm. 
  • Plant distance in the row from 7 till 10 cm. (With other conveyor belts this can be wider)
  • Maximum planting depth 15 cm, normally 12 cm in wide furrow of 5 cm depth. 
  • Capacity: Approx. 3000 plants per man per hour depending of the plants.

Machine will be delivered with plantsock with wide furrowformer, so the plant is planted into a furrow which is earthed up afterwards (by hoeing for example). Further the machine has an adjustable planting board with a box rack and an optional walking platform.


  • Top side white
  • Front, rear and sides green with glass insert
  • Front side fixed, sides sliding and rear side rollable

The planters have the following widths at 60 cm row distance:

  • 4 rows x 60 cm, 280 cm
  • 5 rows x 60 cm, 340 cm
  • 6 rows x 60 cm, 400 cm
  • 7 rows x 60 cm, 460 cm

Технические спецификации:

Мощность:3000 plants / hour / row


New Basrijs BPS leek planter 

  • Disc planters with feeding belt 
  • Orbitrol control, hydraulic driven
  • Marker set manually operated
  • Available in different number of rows
  • Cover
  • Suitable for planting leeks, both loose and in pots / soil blocks.

Planting principle: 

  • The plant is placed correctly on the supply belt by the planter. 
  • The conveyor belt places the leek correctly between a metal disc and a rubber flexible disc.
  • The discs bring the leek plant into the plought / coulter and it is released.
  • Immediately the plant is pressed firmly by the pressure wheels. 
  • The machine runs on wheels which determine the speed of the planting discs driven by the tractor hydraulics by means of a chain transmission, so that the disc speed remains the same as the driving speed. 
  • Planting distance is determined by the chain transmission between disc and feed belt.

Benefits of Basrijs leek planting machine: 

  • Good working positoin. 
  • Weight of the planting person doesn’t influence pressing of the plants. 
  • Less spare parts needed. 
  • Easy adjustable machine. 
  • Narrow furrow which promotes plantgrowth. 
  • Plant is kept just shortly during earthing up, so less chance of planting tilt. 
  • Planting shallow at 5 cm planting depth.
  • Minimal row distance 45 cm. 
  • Plant distance in the row from 7 till 10 cm. (With other conveyor belts this can be wider)
  • Maximum planting depth 15 cm, normally 12 cm in wide furrow of 5 cm depth. 
  • Capacity: Approx. 3000 plants per man per hour depending of the plants.

Machine will be delivered with plantsock with wide furrowformer, so the plant is planted into a furrow which is earthed up afterwards (by hoeing for example). Further the machine has an adjustable planting board with a box rack and an optional walking platform.


  • Top side white
  • Front, rear and sides green with glass insert
  • Front side fixed, sides sliding and rear side rollable

The planters have the following widths at 60 cm row distance:

  • 4 rows x 60 cm, 280 cm
  • 5 rows x 60 cm, 340 cm
  • 6 rows x 60 cm, 400 cm
  • 7 rows x 60 cm, 460 cm

Technical specifications:

Capacity:3000 plants / hour / row

Новый плантатор Basrijs leek

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New Basrijs BPS leek planter 

  • Disc planters with feeding belt 
  • Orbitrol control, hydraulic driven
  • Marker set manually operated
  • Available in different number of rows
  • Cover
  • Suitable for planting leeks, both loose and in pots / soil blocks.

Planting principle: 

  • The plant is placed correctly on the supply belt by the planter. 
  • The conveyor belt places the leek correctly between a metal disc and a rubber flexible disc.
  • The discs bring the leek plant into the plought / coulter and it is released.
  • Immediately the plant is pressed firmly by the pressure wheels. 
  • The machine runs on wheels which determine the speed of the planting discs driven by the tractor hydraulics by means of a chain transmission, so that the disc speed remains the same as the driving speed. 
  • Planting distance is determined by the chain transmission between disc and feed belt.

Benefits of Basrijs leek planting machine: 

  • Good working positoin. 
  • Weight of the planting person doesn’t influence pressing of the plants. 
  • Less spare parts needed. 
  • Easy adjustable machine. 
  • Narrow furrow which promotes plantgrowth. 
  • Plant is kept just shortly during earthing up, so less chance of planting tilt. 
  • Planting shallow at 5 cm planting depth.
  • Minimal row distance 45 cm. 
  • Plant distance in the row from 7 till 10 cm. (With other conveyor belts this can be wider)
  • Maximum planting depth 15 cm, normally 12 cm in wide furrow of 5 cm depth. 
  • Capacity: Approx. 3000 plants per man per hour depending of the plants.

Machine will be delivered with plantsock with wide furrowformer, so the plant is planted into a furrow which is earthed up afterwards (by hoeing for example). Further the machine has an adjustable planting board with a box rack and an optional walking platform.


  • Top side white
  • Front, rear and sides green with glass insert
  • Front side fixed, sides sliding and rear side rollable

The planters have the following widths at 60 cm row distance:

  • 4 rows x 60 cm, 280 cm
  • 5 rows x 60 cm, 340 cm
  • 6 rows x 60 cm, 400 cm
  • 7 rows x 60 cm, 460 cm

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