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Agrodust наполнитель больших мешков

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Agrodust наполнитель больших мешков


Технические спецификации:

СостояниеБ/у, проверено собственными механиками
Транспортные размеры:220 cm x 140 cm x 105 cm (длина x ширина x высота)
Транспортный вес:350кг


Agrodust Bigbag Filler

  • Capacity : ca 2.3 m³
  • Weight: ca. 300 kg

The Agrodust Farmers Bigbag Filler is an Agrodust product for filling bigbags. The field-proven technology provides an affordable and efficient way to load potatoes, onions, cereals and other well-watered produce into bigbags.

The Agrodust Farmers Bigbag Filler is filled with a box filler or other conveyor system. It is then removed with a forklift truck. After attaching the bigbag, the bottom is opened and the BBB filler is lifted.

The product thus flows quickly and very evenly into the bigbag. The bigbag does not sink askew but remains nice and stable and upright. This makes loading trucks much easier.

The Farmers Bigbag Filler for sand, gravel, fertiliser and wheat is a new product from AGRODUST for filling bigbags. This technology offers an affordable and efficient solution to fill sand, gravel, fertiliser, wheat and other products in bigbags. The slide makes it possible to stop while filling the big bag. An additional advantage is that by moving the lifting mast, the slide automatically rolls closed.


Technical specifications:

СостояниеБ/у, проверено собственными механиками
Transport dimensions:220 cm x 140 cm x 105 cm (length x width x height)
Transport weight:350кг

Agrodust наполнитель больших мешков


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