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Машина для наполнения бункеров Munckhof для яблок

Munckhof bin filling machine for apples
Munckhof bin filling machine for apples
Munckhof bin filling machine for apples
Munckhof bin filling machine for apples
Munckhof bin filling machine for apples
Munckhof bin filling machine for apples
Munckhof bin filling machine for apples
Munckhof bin filling machine for apples
Munckhof bin filling machine for apples
Munckhof bin filling machine for apples
Munckhof bin filling machine for apples

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Машина для наполнения бункеров Munckhof для яблок

Munckhof bin filling machine for fruit, like apples

The reversed elevator makes sure that the fruit are gently putted in to crates, after sorting.

The fruit enters the rotating bin via the adjustable supply belt and vertical finger conveyor belt. The combination of the rotating bin with the brush and feed chute guarantees an even filling of the fruit in the bin without bruising it. The feed chute is fitted with a mechanic sensor which automatically controls the height of the filler element. This machine will ensure that the quality of the graded fruit is maintained.

The fillers can be placed behind virtually every type of grading line.


Технические спецификации:

СостояниеБ/у, проверено собственными механиками
Транспортные размеры:240 cm x 120 cm x 240 cm (длина x ширина x высота)
Транспортный вес:355кг

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Munckhof bin filling machine for fruit, like apples

The reversed elevator makes sure that the fruit are gently putted in to crates, after sorting.

The fruit enters the rotating bin via the adjustable supply belt and vertical finger conveyor belt. The combination of the rotating bin with the brush and feed chute guarantees an even filling of the fruit in the bin without bruising it. The feed chute is fitted with a mechanic sensor which automatically controls the height of the filler element. This machine will ensure that the quality of the graded fruit is maintained.

The fillers can be placed behind virtually every type of grading line.


Technical specifications:

СостояниеБ/у, проверено собственными механиками
Transport dimensions:240 cm x 120 cm x 240 cm (length x width x height)
Transport weight:355кг

Машина для наполнения бункеров Munckhof для яблок

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Munckhof bin filling machine for fruit, like apples

The reversed elevator makes sure that the fruit are gently putted in to crates, after sorting.

The fruit enters the rotating bin via the adjustable supply belt and vertical finger conveyor belt. The combination of the rotating bin with the brush and feed chute guarantees an even filling of the fruit in the bin without bruising it. The feed chute is fitted with a mechanic sensor which automatically controls the height of the filler element. This machine will ensure that the quality of the graded fruit is maintained.

The fillers can be placed behind virtually every type of grading line.

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