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4.8 Google Reviews
Logitec DB-40 Дозатор брикетов субстрата Big-Bale
Новые конвейерные ленты Martin Stolze для горшечных растений шириной 17 см
Martin Stolze EasyMax
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Вилка Twinspacer для работы с кастрюлями
Вилка для переноски кастрюль 10,5 -5,5
Вилка для переноски кастрюль 5 x 11 см и 2 x 17 см
Вилка для переноски кастрюль 5 x 11 см и 2 x 17 см
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Linthorst Barktopper Нержавеющая сталь

Barkstroier (1)
Лучшее б/у предложение
Barkstroier (1)
Barkstroier (6)
Barkstroier (2)
Barkstroier (8)
Barkstroier (3)
Barkstroier (5)
Barkstroier (4)
Barkstroier (7)

За и против

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Linthorst Barktopper Нержавеющая сталь

Linthorst Barktopper / Pot topper
The Linthorst "Barkstrooier" Pot Topper is suitable for distributing a cover layer of bark or an other covering products. The machine is composed of an elevating screw  system with supply bin,
The machine has  chutes to distribute the cover material properly under the plants. The Pot Topper

  • stainless steel
  • adjustable speed transport belt
  • adjustable speed screwpump
  • This machine can be used for round and square pots
  • Voltage 380 Volt, 3-phase


Linthorst Barktopper / Pot topper
The Linthorst "Barkstrooier" Pot Topper is suitable for distributing a cover layer of bark or an other covering products. The machine is composed of an elevating screw  system with supply bin,
The machine has  chutes to distribute the cover material properly under the plants. The Pot Topper

  • stainless steel
  • adjustable speed transport belt
  • adjustable speed screwpump
  • This machine can be used for round and square pots
  • Voltage 380 Volt, 3-phase

Technical specifications:


Linthorst Barktopper Нержавеющая сталь

К сожалению, Linthorst Barktopper Нержавеющая сталь продана..

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Linthorst Barktopper / Pot topper
The Linthorst "Barkstrooier" Pot Topper is suitable for distributing a cover layer of bark or an other covering products. The machine is composed of an elevating screw  system with supply bin,
The machine has  chutes to distribute the cover material properly under the plants. The Pot Topper

  • stainless steel
  • adjustable speed transport belt
  • adjustable speed screwpump
  • This machine can be used for round and square pots
  • Voltage 380 Volt, 3-phase

Почему вы выбираете машины, бывшие в употреблении?

  • Быстрая поставка
  • Низкая стоимости приобретения
  • Более низкая амортизация
  • Такие же функции, как и у новых машин
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