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Горшечная машина Dewa Demtec 800 с дозатором горшков



Горшечная машина Dewa Demtec 800 с дозатором горшков

Demtec (Dewa) potting machine 

  • Pneumatic potdispenser 
  • Ejection
  • For potsize 9-19 cm
  • Speed adjustable

The machine comes from it's first and only owner, who only used the machine for 2 seasons. Each season the machine only processed 10 bales of 1m³ ground, so it only processed 20 m³ of ground in total. After production the machine was stalled dry and clean, that makes that the machine is currently still in a condition as absolute new!


Технические спецификации:



Demtec (Dewa) potting machine 

  • Pneumatic potdispenser 
  • Ejection
  • For potsize 9-19 cm
  • Speed adjustable

The machine comes from it's first and only owner, who only used the machine for 2 seasons. Each season the machine only processed 10 bales of 1m³ ground, so it only processed 20 m³ of ground in total. After production the machine was stalled dry and clean, that makes that the machine is currently still in a condition as absolute new!


Technical specifications:


380 volt

Горшечная машина Dewa Demtec 800 с дозатором горшков

К сожалению, Горшечная машина Dewa Demtec 800 с дозатором горшков продана..

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Demtec (Dewa) potting machine 

  • Pneumatic potdispenser 
  • Ejection
  • For potsize 9-19 cm
  • Speed adjustable

The machine comes from it's first and only owner, who only used the machine for 2 seasons. Each season the machine only processed 10 bales of 1m³ ground, so it only processed 20 m³ of ground in total. After production the machine was stalled dry and clean, that makes that the machine is currently still in a condition as absolute new!

Почему вы выбираете машины, бывшие в употреблении?

  • Быстрая поставка
  • Низкая стоимости приобретения
  • Более низкая амортизация
  • Такие же функции, как и у новых машин
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