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С 1977 г.
  • Качественное оборудование
  • Обученный персонал
  • Поставки по всему миру
  • С 1977 г.
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Комбинированный весовой дозатор Sorma PC10 120

Sorma weighing machine outlets
Sorma weighing machine outlets
Sorma weighing machine outlets
Sorma weighing machine outlets


Комбинированный весовой дозатор Sorma PC10 120

Sorma PC10 120 combination weigher

  • Weigher with 10 vibrating channels
  • Weighs between 125 and 500 grams
  • Common packages weighed with these: 200, 250, 300 or 500 grams. (for example)
  • Two outfeed conveyors that can discharge to the left and right of the machine
  • With new sponges (value € 500,-)
  • With one new loadcell (value € 370,-)
  • With new air hoses
  • With several new air cylinders
  • With new main switch

This machine can be used to weigh many types of smaller products. Examples are cherry tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, potatoes, ect.

* Machine is checked and serviced by a technician from the manufacturer.


Технические спецификации:

Модель:PC10 120


Sorma PC10 120 combination weigher

  • Weigher with 10 vibrating channels
  • Weighs between 125 and 500 grams
  • Common packages weighed with these: 200, 250, 300 or 500 grams. (for example)
  • Two outfeed conveyors that can discharge to the left and right of the machine
  • With new sponges (value € 500,-)
  • With one new loadcell (value € 370,-)
  • With new air hoses
  • With several new air cylinders
  • With new main switch

This machine can be used to weigh many types of smaller products. Examples are cherry tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, potatoes, ect.

* Machine is checked and serviced by a technician from the manufacturer.


Technical specifications:

Model:PC10 120

Комбинированный весовой дозатор Sorma PC10 120

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Sorma PC10 120 combination weigher

  • Weigher with 10 vibrating channels
  • Weighs between 125 and 500 grams
  • Common packages weighed with these: 200, 250, 300 or 500 grams. (for example)
  • Two outfeed conveyors that can discharge to the left and right of the machine
  • With new sponges (value € 500,-)
  • With one new loadcell (value € 370,-)
  • With new air hoses
  • With several new air cylinders
  • With new main switch

This machine can be used to weigh many types of smaller products. Examples are cherry tomatoes, Brussels sprouts, potatoes, ect.

* Machine is checked and serviced by a technician from the manufacturer.

Почему вы выбираете машины, бывшие в употреблении?

  • Быстрая поставка
  • Низкая стоимости приобретения
  • Более низкая амортизация
  • Такие же функции, как и у новых машин
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