Сортировочная машина Schouten kwartet для картофеля
Сортировочная машина Schouten kwartet для картофеля
Schouten kwartet potato sorter
This sorting machine can be used for sorting,onions and potatoes.
Schouten Kwartet sorting installation:
- Wide elevator with shaker and infeed hopper
- Pre-sorter, after the elevator the product passes over a shaking sieve(25mm).
- Roller inspection conveyor, on which you can sit and / or stand next to, to inspect the product.
- A bar is mounted on the rollers, through which the sorted product goes to a separate exit, the other products go to the sorting area.
- 3 + 1 sortings, by means of a shaking mechanism, the product is transported over 3 sieves and the oversize reaches the last exit.
- Each sorting is equipped with a wide conveyor belt.
- With the supplied supports, this machine is ideal to use for sorting directly into cubic crates.
- Comes with the following sizes sieves: 28, 30, 35, 38, 40, 45, 50, 55 & 60 mm.

Schouten kwartet potato sorter
This sorting machine can be used for sorting,onions and potatoes.
Schouten Kwartet sorting installation:
- Wide elevator with shaker and infeed hopper
- Pre-sorter, after the elevator the product passes over a shaking sieve(25mm).
- Roller inspection conveyor, on which you can sit and / or stand next to, to inspect the product.
- A bar is mounted on the rollers, through which the sorted product goes to a separate exit, the other products go to the sorting area.
- 3 + 1 sortings, by means of a shaking mechanism, the product is transported over 3 sieves and the oversize reaches the last exit.
- Each sorting is equipped with a wide conveyor belt.
- With the supplied supports, this machine is ideal to use for sorting directly into cubic crates.
- Comes with the following sizes sieves: 28, 30, 35, 38, 40, 45, 50, 55 & 60 mm.

Сортировочная машина Schouten kwartet для картофеля
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Schouten kwartet potato sorter
This sorting machine can be used for sorting,onions and potatoes.
Schouten Kwartet sorting installation:
- Wide elevator with shaker and infeed hopper
- Pre-sorter, after the elevator the product passes over a shaking sieve(25mm).
- Roller inspection conveyor, on which you can sit and / or stand next to, to inspect the product.
- A bar is mounted on the rollers, through which the sorted product goes to a separate exit, the other products go to the sorting area.
- 3 + 1 sortings, by means of a shaking mechanism, the product is transported over 3 sieves and the oversize reaches the last exit.
- Each sorting is equipped with a wide conveyor belt.
- With the supplied supports, this machine is ideal to use for sorting directly into cubic crates.
- Comes with the following sizes sieves: 28, 30, 35, 38, 40, 45, 50, 55 & 60 mm.
Почему вы выбираете машины, бывшие в употреблении?
- Быстрая поставка
- Низкая стоимости приобретения
- Более низкая амортизация
- Такие же функции, как и у новых машин
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