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Ezendam -B01 Машинa для обрезки
Ezendam -B01 Машинa для обрезки

Двойная машина для удаления листьев Olimex



Двойная машина для удаления листьев Olimex

Olimex DOM/C double deleafing machine.

deleafer with double 'stripping' brushes.

* Many cut-flower varieties need to be stripped at the bottom of the stem to avoid rotting of the leafs in the water they are stored or transported in. Additionally, for handling as well as display purposes, de-leafing becomes a benefit to the presentation of the flowers.

Unique benefits
Suitable for de-leafing light to medium-weight bunches
Excellent de-leafing result; stem quality is retained
Brushes are available to suit all types of flower

De-leafing and de-thorning
The  de-leafing machines are suitable for the de-leafing and de-thorning of small to medium-sized bunches with up to 15 to 20 stems per bunch, depending up on the flower type.

Brushes for different types of flower
Select the stiffness of the brushes you use according to the type of flower you are processing. There are brushes with varying degrees of stiffness; the firmer the stem, the stiffer should be the brush you choose.

Or you can use hard brushes and a set of soft brushes for each side.

Consistent result
Mechanised de-leafing ensures a consistent result. Each brush set has four combs. The brushes rotate against each other in opposite directions at a fixed speed so that they 'sweep' the stems clean. The deleafer ensure an excellent de-leafing result, retaining stem quality.

Reliable de-leafing machines
Deleafing machines have proved themselves to be rugged and dependable for many years. Changing or replacing the brushes is easy, and the machines require relatively little maintenance. The de-leafing machine can be used on a work table


Технические спецификации:



Olimex DOM/C double deleafing machine.

deleafer with double 'stripping' brushes.

* Many cut-flower varieties need to be stripped at the bottom of the stem to avoid rotting of the leafs in the water they are stored or transported in. Additionally, for handling as well as display purposes, de-leafing becomes a benefit to the presentation of the flowers.

Unique benefits
Suitable for de-leafing light to medium-weight bunches
Excellent de-leafing result; stem quality is retained
Brushes are available to suit all types of flower

De-leafing and de-thorning
The  de-leafing machines are suitable for the de-leafing and de-thorning of small to medium-sized bunches with up to 15 to 20 stems per bunch, depending up on the flower type.

Brushes for different types of flower
Select the stiffness of the brushes you use according to the type of flower you are processing. There are brushes with varying degrees of stiffness; the firmer the stem, the stiffer should be the brush you choose.

Or you can use hard brushes and a set of soft brushes for each side.

Consistent result
Mechanised de-leafing ensures a consistent result. Each brush set has four combs. The brushes rotate against each other in opposite directions at a fixed speed so that they 'sweep' the stems clean. The deleafer ensure an excellent de-leafing result, retaining stem quality.

Reliable de-leafing machines
Deleafing machines have proved themselves to be rugged and dependable for many years. Changing or replacing the brushes is easy, and the machines require relatively little maintenance. The de-leafing machine can be used on a work table


Technical specifications:


Двойная машина для удаления листьев Olimex

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Olimex DOM/C double deleafing machine.

deleafer with double 'stripping' brushes.

* Many cut-flower varieties need to be stripped at the bottom of the stem to avoid rotting of the leafs in the water they are stored or transported in. Additionally, for handling as well as display purposes, de-leafing becomes a benefit to the presentation of the flowers.

Unique benefits
Suitable for de-leafing light to medium-weight bunches
Excellent de-leafing result; stem quality is retained
Brushes are available to suit all types of flower

De-leafing and de-thorning
The  de-leafing machines are suitable for the de-leafing and de-thorning of small to medium-sized bunches with up to 15 to 20 stems per bunch, depending up on the flower type.

Brushes for different types of flower
Select the stiffness of the brushes you use according to the type of flower you are processing. There are brushes with varying degrees of stiffness; the firmer the stem, the stiffer should be the brush you choose.

Or you can use hard brushes and a set of soft brushes for each side.

Consistent result
Mechanised de-leafing ensures a consistent result. Each brush set has four combs. The brushes rotate against each other in opposite directions at a fixed speed so that they 'sweep' the stems clean. The deleafer ensure an excellent de-leafing result, retaining stem quality.

Reliable de-leafing machines
Deleafing machines have proved themselves to be rugged and dependable for many years. Changing or replacing the brushes is easy, and the machines require relatively little maintenance. The de-leafing machine can be used on a work table

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  • Такие же функции, как и у новых машин
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