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Самоходная посадочная машина для салата Dhomac с двигателем Honda



Самоходная посадочная машина для салата Dhomac с двигателем Honda

Dhomac 6 row self propelled soilblock planting machine for lettuce with Honda engine

Transplanter is suitable for planting soilblocks of 4 to 5 cm (lettuce, endive etc.). Principle: Plants are transported by conveyer belts into planting sock, glide into the furrow, wheels will press the soil unto the block.

  • Honda 8 HP engine
  • Planting depth 0 – 5 cm
  • Capacity 3,500 – 5,000 per man per hour
  • Distance between the rows not adjustable: 26 cm
  • Distance in between plants in the row: 28cm
    • If you take a sprocket with one less tooth, the distance becomes 1.5cm smaller. If you take a sprocket with one more tooth, the distance increases by 1.5cm.

Технические спецификации:

Мощность:Capacity 3,500 / 5,000 per man per hour.
Транспортные размеры:360 cm x 170 cm x 100 cm (длина x ширина x высота)


Dhomac 6 row self propelled soilblock planting machine for lettuce with Honda engine

Transplanter is suitable for planting soilblocks of 4 to 5 cm (lettuce, endive etc.). Principle: Plants are transported by conveyer belts into planting sock, glide into the furrow, wheels will press the soil unto the block.

  • Honda 8 HP engine
  • Planting depth 0 – 5 cm
  • Capacity 3,500 – 5,000 per man per hour
  • Distance between the rows not adjustable: 26 cm
  • Distance in between plants in the row: 28cm
    • If you take a sprocket with one less tooth, the distance becomes 1.5cm smaller. If you take a sprocket with one more tooth, the distance increases by 1.5cm.

Technical specifications:

Capacity:Capacity 3,500 / 5,000 per man per hour.
Transport dimensions:360 cm x 170 cm x 100 cm (length x width x height)

Самоходная посадочная машина для салата Dhomac с двигателем Honda

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Dhomac 6 row self propelled soilblock planting machine for lettuce with Honda engine

Transplanter is suitable for planting soilblocks of 4 to 5 cm (lettuce, endive etc.). Principle: Plants are transported by conveyer belts into planting sock, glide into the furrow, wheels will press the soil unto the block.

  • Honda 8 HP engine
  • Planting depth 0 – 5 cm
  • Capacity 3,500 – 5,000 per man per hour
  • Distance between the rows not adjustable: 26 cm
  • Distance in between plants in the row: 28cm
    • If you take a sprocket with one less tooth, the distance becomes 1.5cm smaller. If you take a sprocket with one more tooth, the distance increases by 1.5cm.

Почему вы выбираете машины, бывшие в употреблении?

  • Быстрая поставка
  • Низкая стоимости приобретения
  • Более низкая амортизация
  • Такие же функции, как и у новых машин
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