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Сеялка пневматическая Agricola PK3013B 15 рядов
Пневматическая сеялка Nodet Gougis PN-II 12 рядков
Accord Miniair S Пневматическая сеялка  12 двухрядных, по 3 спальных места

Сеялка Agricola для лука 12-рядная двойная

agricola zaaimachine 12 dubbel (5)
agricola zaaimachine 12 dubbel (5)
agricola zaaimachine 12 dubbel (2)
agricola zaaimachine 12 dubbel (4)
agricola zaaimachine 12 dubbel (3)
agricola zaaimachine 12 dubbel (1)
agricola zaaimachine 12 dubbel (7)
agricola zaaimachine 12 dubbel (6)


Сеялка Agricola для лука 12-рядная двойная

Agricola sowing machine with 12 rows  double 3 x 150 cm bed (tandem)

This sower is hydraulic foldable.

This seeding machine is complete with  seeding disks which can be used for onions

But with other sowing disks this sowing machine is also suitable for other vegetables like for carrots and onions.

machine has been checked and fieldready


Технические спецификации:

Модель:SL tandem


Agricola sowing machine with 12 rows  double 3 x 150 cm bed (tandem)

This sower is hydraulic foldable.

This seeding machine is complete with  seeding disks which can be used for onions

But with other sowing disks this sowing machine is also suitable for other vegetables like for carrots and onions.

machine has been checked and fieldready


Technical specifications:

Model:SL tandem

Сеялка Agricola для лука 12-рядная двойная

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Группа изделий
SL tandem

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Agricola sowing machine with 12 rows  double 3 x 150 cm bed (tandem)

This sower is hydraulic foldable.

This seeding machine is complete with  seeding disks which can be used for onions

But with other sowing disks this sowing machine is also suitable for other vegetables like for carrots and onions.

machine has been checked and fieldready

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  • Такие же функции, как и у новых машин
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