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4.8 Google Reviews

Sorma transportar cu role condus cu curba de 90° si transportor 145 x 60 cm

€ 2.250,- (excl. TVA)

Doar 1
Sorma driven with 90° curve and conveyor 145 x 60 cm
Sorma driven with 90° curve and conveyor 145 x 60 cm
Sorma driven with 90° curve and conveyor 145 x 60 cm
Sorma driven with 90° curve and conveyor 145 x 60 cm
Sorma driven with 90° curve and conveyor 145 x 60 cm
Sorma driven with 90° curve and conveyor 145 x 60 cm
Sorma driven with 90° curve and conveyor 145 x 60 cm
Sorma driven with 90° curve and conveyor 145 x 60 cm
Sorma driven with 90° curve and conveyor 145 x 60 cm
Sorma driven with 90° curve and conveyor 145 x 60 cm
Sorma driven with 90° curve and conveyor 145 x 60 cm
Sorma roller conveyor driven with 90° curve and conveyor 145 x 60 cm
Sorma roller conveyor driven with 90° curve and conveyor 145 x 60 cm
Sorma roller conveyor driven with 90° curve and conveyor 145 x 60 cm
Sorma roller conveyor driven with 90° curve and conveyor 145 x 60 cm
Sorma roller conveyor driven with 90° curve and conveyor 145 x 60 cm
Sorma roller conveyor driven with 90° curve and conveyor 145 x 60 cm
Sorma roller conveyor driven with 90° curve and conveyor 145 x 60 cm
Sorma roller conveyor driven with 90° curve and conveyor 145 x 60 cm
Atenție: Textul referitor la această mașină a fost tradus de un motor de traducere.


Sorma transportar cu role condus cu curba de 90° si transportor 145 x 60 cm

  • curba de 90°
  • transportor 145 x 60 cm
  • 2 motoare

Specificații tehnice:

CondițieFolosit, verificat de mecanicii proprii
Dimensiuni transport:460 cm x 180 cm x 100 cm (lungime x lățime x înălțime)
Greutate de transport:500kg
Dimensiuni:145 cm x 60 cm (lungime x lățime)
Diametrul rolelor (în cm):50


  •  90° curve
  •  conveyor 145 x 60 cm
  • 2 Motors

Technical specifications:

CondițieFolosit, verificat de mecanicii proprii
Transport dimensions:460 cm x 180 cm x 100 cm (length x width x height)
Transport weight:500kg
Dimensions:145 cm x 60 cm (length x width)
Diameter of the rolls (in cm):50

Sorma transportar cu role condus cu curba de 90° si transportor 145 x 60 cm

€ 2.250,- (excl. TVA)

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  • curba de 90°
  • transportor 145 x 60 cm
  • 2 motoare


  • Disponibilitate rapidă
  • Costuri de achiziție mai mici
  • Depreciere redusă
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