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4.8 Google Reviews

Cretel PWR550.80HR/CD150 masina de spalat navete cu tunel de uscare

Pret pe bucata
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
High capacity
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Atenție: Textul referitor la această mașină a fost tradus de un motor de traducere.

Argumente pro şi contra

  • High capacity


Cretel PWR550.80HR/CD150 masina de spalat navete cu tunel de uscare

Mașină de spălat lăzi Cretel cu tunel de uscare

  • Ajustabil pentru diferite dimensiuni de lăzi și tăvi
    • Pe lungime, aproape totul poate trece
    • Latime minima: 30 cm
    • Latime maxima: 55 cm
    • Inaltime maxima: 30 cm
  • Prespălare cu propriul rezervor de apă fără încălzire
  • Spalare principala cu rezervor propriu de apa cu incalzire prin conducte de incalzire
    • Incalzire prin racordare la centrala termica
    • Unitate de dezinfectie cu unitate de dozare
  • Unitate de uscare cu aer circular
  • Complet cu control
  • Consum: 1500 litri pe oră
  • Toate piesele sunt ușor accesibile pentru curățare

Specificații tehnice:

CondițieFolosit, verificat de mecanicii proprii
Capacitate:400 - 600 buc/ora
Dimensiuni transport:1000 cm x 240 cm x 250 cm (lungime x lățime x înălțime)
Greutate de transport:3500kg
Incalzi:Prin utilizarea unei surse externe de încălzire
Distribuirea săpunului:da


Cretel crate washer with drying tunnel

  • Adjustable for different sizes of crates and trays
    • Lengthwise, almost everything can pass through
    • Minimum width: 30 cm
    • Maximum width: 55 cm
    • Maximum height: 30 cm
  • Prewash with its own water tank without heating
  • Main wash with own water tank with heating via heating pipes
    • Heating via connection to central heating boiler
    • Disinfection unit with dosing unit
  • Drying unit with circular air
  • Complete with control
  • Consumption: 1500 litres per hour
  • All parts are easily accessible for cleaning

Technical specifications:

CondițieFolosit, verificat de mecanicii proprii
Capacity:400 - 600 pcs / hour
Transport dimensions:1000 cm x 240 cm x 250 cm (length x width x height)
Transport weight:3500kg
Heating:By using an external heating source
Soap dispencing:Yes

Cretel PWR550.80HR/CD150 masina de spalat navete cu tunel de uscare

Preț la cerere

1 unitati
Grupă produse
Adăugare la ofertă de prețComandați această mașină
Comandați această mașină

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Mașină de spălat lăzi Cretel cu tunel de uscare

  • Ajustabil pentru diferite dimensiuni de lăzi și tăvi
    • Pe lungime, aproape totul poate trece
    • Latime minima: 30 cm
    • Latime maxima: 55 cm
    • Inaltime maxima: 30 cm
  • Prespălare cu propriul rezervor de apă fără încălzire
  • Spalare principala cu rezervor propriu de apa cu incalzire prin conducte de incalzire
    • Incalzire prin racordare la centrala termica
    • Unitate de dezinfectie cu unitate de dozare
  • Unitate de uscare cu aer circular
  • Complet cu control
  • Consum: 1500 litri pe oră
  • Toate piesele sunt ușor accesibile pentru curățare


  • Disponibilitate rapidă
  • Costuri de achiziție mai mici
  • Depreciere redusă
  • Aceeași funcționalitate
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