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4.8 Google Reviews
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Mașină de spălat tăvi Vitech

Atenție: Textul referitor la această mașină a fost tradus de un motor de traducere.


Mașină de spălat tăvi Vitech

Vitech tray washer for crates and trays

The Visser tray cleaner is simple to use, and maintenance free. This machine can be used for almost any type and size of tray. The tray cleaner has spraying nozzles wich are fed by a high pressure pump. The continuous moving belt has a special profile and adjustable speed.

  • High pressure pump 150 bar
  • Dirt cutting nozzles
  • Equipped with electro motor (adjustable speed)
  • Tray width adjustable from 35 to 41 cm, at the moment 40 cm.
  • Height adjustable to max. 24 high crates, at the moment 18 cm.

Specificații tehnice:

Capacitate:+/- 600 boxes hour
Dimensiuni:40 cm (lățime)


Vitech tray washer for crates and trays

The Visser tray cleaner is simple to use, and maintenance free. This machine can be used for almost any type and size of tray. The tray cleaner has spraying nozzles wich are fed by a high pressure pump. The continuous moving belt has a special profile and adjustable speed.

  • High pressure pump 150 bar
  • Dirt cutting nozzles
  • Equipped with electro motor (adjustable speed)
  • Tray width adjustable from 35 to 41 cm, at the moment 40 cm.
  • Height adjustable to max. 24 high crates, at the moment 18 cm.

Technical specifications:

Capacity:+/- 600 boxes hour
Dimensions:40 cm (width)

Mașină de spălat tăvi Vitech

Din pacate, acest Mașină de spălat tăvi Vitech a fost acum vandut.

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Contact directVă rog să mă sunați: +31 180 632 088


Vitech tray washer for crates and trays

The Visser tray cleaner is simple to use, and maintenance free. This machine can be used for almost any type and size of tray. The tray cleaner has spraying nozzles wich are fed by a high pressure pump. The continuous moving belt has a special profile and adjustable speed.

  • High pressure pump 150 bar
  • Dirt cutting nozzles
  • Equipped with electro motor (adjustable speed)
  • Tray width adjustable from 35 to 41 cm, at the moment 40 cm.
  • Height adjustable to max. 24 high crates, at the moment 18 cm.


  • Disponibilitate rapidă
  • Costuri de achiziție mai mici
  • Depreciere redusă
  • Aceeași funcționalitate
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