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4.8 Google Reviews

Vanhoucke THBR3600EX4500 aruncătar de flăcări pentru buruieni 360 - 450 cm

Ocazie excelentă
Vanhoucke THBR3600EX4500 weed burner 360 - 450 cm
Vanhoucke THBR3600EX4500 weed burner 360 - 450 cm
Vanhoucke THBR3600EX4500 weed burner 360 - 450 cm
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  • Ocazie excelentă


Vanhoucke THBR3600EX4500 aruncătar de flăcări pentru buruieni 360 - 450 cm


Specificații tehnice:

Istoricul utilizării:120-150 liter gas per hour
Dimensiuni transport:380 cm x 270 cm x 170 cm (lungime x lățime x înălțime)
Dimensiuni:360-450 cm (lățime)


Vanhoucke weed burner expandable from 360 to 450 cm

This flame weeder is used for burning weeds in glasshouses and open fields.

  • Weed quickly and economically burned
  • Clean and disinfected superficially
  • expandable from 360 to 450 cm

Now the government rules about chemical weedcontrol and disease pesticides are becoming stricter, the Hoaf flame weeder offers an excellent alternative.
While flame weeding, the weeds are not only destroyed, but also the germination capacity is taken away of seeds lying on the surface.


Technical specifications:

Usage history:120-150 liter gas per hour
Transport dimensions:380 cm x 270 cm x 170 cm (length x width x height)
Dimensions:360-450 cm (width)

Vanhoucke THBR3600EX4500 aruncătar de flăcări pentru buruieni 360 - 450 cm

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