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4.8 Google Reviews
Aweta G2-8 Mașină de sortat în greutate pentru ardei
Buitendijk & Slaman cărucior de recoltat
Aweta G2-6 mașină de sortat în greutate pentru ardei
Aweta rulouri diabolo pentru mașini de sortat roșii
Aweta G3-8 +1 maşina de sortat mere şi alte fructe
Aweta G3-8+1 maşina de sortat ardei

Greefa MSE 4-15 sorting machine

Preț la cerere

Greefa MSE bell pepper grading machine
Greefa MSE bell pepper grading machine
Greefa MSE bell pepper grading machine
Greefa MSE bell pepper grading machine
Greefa MSE bell pepper grading machine
Greefa MSE bell pepper grading machine
Greefa MSE bell pepper grading machine
Greefa MSE bell pepper grading machine
Greefa MSE bell pepper grading machine
Greefa MSE bell pepper grading machine
Greefa MSE bell pepper grading machine
Greefa MSE bell pepper grading machine
Greefa MSE bell pepper grading machine
Greefa MSE bell pepper grading machine
Greefa MSE bell pepper grading machine
Greefa MSE bell pepper grading machine
Greefa MSE bell pepper grading machine
Greefa MSE bell pepper grading machine
Greefa MSE bell pepper grading machine
Greefa MSE bell pepper grading machine
Greefa MSE bell pepper grading machine
Greefa MSE bell pepper grading machine
Greefa MSE bell pepper grading machine
Greefa MSE bell pepper grading machine
Greefa MSE bell pepper grading machine
Greefa MSE bell pepper grading machine
Greefa MSE bell pepper grading machine
Greefa MSE bell pepper grading machine
Greefa MSE bell pepper grading machine
Atenție: Textul referitor la această mașină a fost tradus de un motor de traducere.


Greefa MSE 4-15 sorting machine

Greefa MSE 4-15 pepper sorting machine by weight and size
With semi automatic weighing and filling of the boxes

Suitable for grading various fruits, such as bell pepppers, avocados and mango.

  • Grading on weight (loadcells) and size (optical by camera)
  • 4 lanes
  • 15 + 1 exits 
  • Semi automatic weighing and filling of boxes
  • Hopper
  • Elevator with fingers
  • Inspection roller conveyor of 200 cm long, incl. platform and chutes to second class conveyor
  • Singulator
  • 15 digital scales
  • Roller conveyor
  • Cups 12 cm x 15 cm, with flaps
  • Length of main machine 1630 cm 


  • Greefa brush grading machine on size (for second class), with 4 exits, incl. scales 
  • Second class conveyor +/- 400 cm, from roller inspection conveyor
  • Second class conveyor +/- 1300 cm, under the collection tables

The machine is in good condition. 
Machines comes from first owner. Bought for 6 hectares, but last 5 years only used on 3 hectare


Specificații tehnice:

Model:MSE 4-15
Capacitate:5 fruits per second per lane
Dimensiuni:2130 cm (lungime)


Greefa MSE 4-15 pepper sorting machine by weight and size
With semi automatic weighing and filling of the boxes

Suitable for grading various fruits, such as bell pepppers, avocados and mango.

  • Grading on weight (loadcells) and size (optical by camera)
  • 4 lanes
  • 15 + 1 exits 
  • Semi automatic weighing and filling of boxes
  • Hopper
  • Elevator with fingers
  • Inspection roller conveyor of 200 cm long, incl. platform and chutes to second class conveyor
  • Singulator
  • 15 digital scales
  • Roller conveyor
  • Cups 12 cm x 15 cm, with flaps
  • Length of main machine 1630 cm 


  • Greefa brush grading machine on size (for second class), with 4 exits, incl. scales 
  • Second class conveyor +/- 400 cm, from roller inspection conveyor
  • Second class conveyor +/- 1300 cm, under the collection tables

The machine is in good condition. 
Machines comes from first owner. Bought for 6 hectares, but last 5 years only used on 3 hectare


Technical specifications:

Model:MSE 4-15
Capacity:5 fruits per second per lane
Dimensions:2130 cm (length)

Greefa MSE 4-15 sorting machine

Din pacate, acest Greefa MSE 4-15 sorting machine a fost acum vandut.

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Preț la cerere

Grupă produse
MSE 4-15

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Contact directVă rog să mă sunați: +31 180 632 088


Greefa MSE 4-15 pepper sorting machine by weight and size
With semi automatic weighing and filling of the boxes

Suitable for grading various fruits, such as bell pepppers, avocados and mango.

  • Grading on weight (loadcells) and size (optical by camera)
  • 4 lanes
  • 15 + 1 exits 
  • Semi automatic weighing and filling of boxes
  • Hopper
  • Elevator with fingers
  • Inspection roller conveyor of 200 cm long, incl. platform and chutes to second class conveyor
  • Singulator
  • 15 digital scales
  • Roller conveyor
  • Cups 12 cm x 15 cm, with flaps
  • Length of main machine 1630 cm 


  • Greefa brush grading machine on size (for second class), with 4 exits, incl. scales 
  • Second class conveyor +/- 400 cm, from roller inspection conveyor
  • Second class conveyor +/- 1300 cm, under the collection tables

The machine is in good condition. 
Machines comes from first owner. Bought for 6 hectares, but last 5 years only used on 3 hectare


  • Disponibilitate rapidă
  • Costuri de achiziție mai mici
  • Depreciere redusă
  • Aceeași funcționalitate
Aweta cântar mecanic
Transportar cu role de inspectare 250 x 85 cm, nou
Cantare mecanice Greefa
Berg 160 cm căruciar pe şine tubulare Sine de 42,5 cm
Berg cărucior electric pe şine tubulare cu foarfeca mecanica, sina de 55 cm
Berg cărucior electric pe şine tubulare Cu foarfece mecanice, sina de 42,5 cm
Buitendijk & Slaman cărucior electric pe şine tubulare cu foarfece mecanice, sina de 42,5 cm
Compac conveyor 95 x 52,5 cm
Aweta transportor cu trei benzi, 249 cm lățime