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Rotator între rânduri Breviglieri MG4

Preț la cerere

Atenție: Textul referitor la această mașină a fost tradus de un motor de traducere.

Argumente pro şi contra

  • Marca numărul 1 pentru rotavatoarele pe rând
  • Numărul de rânduri și distanța dintre rânduri sunt reglabile în orice moment


Rotator între rânduri Breviglieri MG4

Meet the ultimate powerhouse: the MG4 inter row rotavator! With a robust design and unmatched versatility, this is the machine that takes on any challenge. Whether your crops shoot up to 75 cm in height, the MG4 is ready to impress. With tractor power ranging up to 90-110hp, this is the partner you can rely on.

The MG4 inter row rotavator exceeds all expectations with its adaptability. With a configuration that rewrites standards, you can adjust the working width of the cultivator element, the width of the frame and the row setting according to your exact needs. While the MBe3 already offered versatility, the MG4 takes this to the next level with a milling element that can go as wide as 90 cm.

And that's not all - the MG4 offers you the convenience of hydraulically folding frames at 330-380 cm and 450 cm frame widths. Efficient transport and storage have never been easier.

If you are looking for performance without compromise and adaptability without limits, the MG4 inter row rotavator is your ultimate choice. What are you waiting for? Take your farming practice to a new level with the power and versatility of the MG4.

We put together a row cultivator according to your situation. Our salesperson will contact you for this. Breviglieri has 3 types of Rotary cultivators, which differ in terms of weight, frame clearance and type of 3-point connection. For example, a light row cultivator will not fit a tractor with a lot of HP.

 Questions you can answer directly are:

  • Your crop:
    • Crop height at time of rotary cultivating:
    • Row distance plants heart-to-heart:
    • Desired cultivating width -> Distance between cultivator body and plant should be at least 5 - 7.5 cm.
  • How many rows do you want to cultivate at the same time:
  • What row spacing does your crop have:
  • Your tractor
    • How many HP:
    • 3 point connection (category 1 or 2):
  • Description of your type of soil:
  • Desired rotavator depth:


  • Fertiliser dosing bucket
  • 6 knives per rotor for finer cultivation results (instead of 4 knives)
  • Ridge former

 Type of milling bucket:

  • Super Stretto = extra narrow (only available on M21 model, 13 to 19 cm width milling bucket)
  • Stretto = narrow (25-40 cm milling bowl width)
  • Medio = medium size (40-55 cm milling bowl width)
  • Largo = large (55-70 cm milling width)

Specificații tehnice:

Model:MG 4 / MG4 plus

Argumente pro şi contra

  • Marca numărul 1 pentru rotavatoarele pe rând
  • Numărul de rânduri și distanța dintre rânduri sunt reglabile în orice moment


Meet the ultimate powerhouse: the MG4 inter row rotavator! With a robust design and unmatched versatility, this is the machine that takes on any challenge. Whether your crops shoot up to 75 cm in height, the MG4 is ready to impress. With tractor power ranging up to 90-110hp, this is the partner you can rely on.

The MG4 inter row rotavator exceeds all expectations with its adaptability. With a configuration that rewrites standards, you can adjust the working width of the cultivator element, the width of the frame and the row setting according to your exact needs. While the MBe3 already offered versatility, the MG4 takes this to the next level with a milling element that can go as wide as 90 cm.

And that's not all - the MG4 offers you the convenience of hydraulically folding frames at 330-380 cm and 450 cm frame widths. Efficient transport and storage have never been easier.

If you are looking for performance without compromise and adaptability without limits, the MG4 inter row rotavator is your ultimate choice. What are you waiting for? Take your farming practice to a new level with the power and versatility of the MG4.

We put together a row cultivator according to your situation. Our salesperson will contact you for this. Breviglieri has 3 types of Rotary cultivators, which differ in terms of weight, frame clearance and type of 3-point connection. For example, a light row cultivator will not fit a tractor with a lot of HP.

 Questions you can answer directly are:

  • Your crop:
    • Crop height at time of rotary cultivating:
    • Row distance plants heart-to-heart:
    • Desired cultivating width -> Distance between cultivator body and plant should be at least 5 - 7.5 cm.
  • How many rows do you want to cultivate at the same time:
  • What row spacing does your crop have:
  • Your tractor
    • How many HP:
    • 3 point connection (category 1 or 2):
  • Description of your type of soil:
  • Desired rotavator depth:


  • Fertiliser dosing bucket
  • 6 knives per rotor for finer cultivation results (instead of 4 knives)
  • Ridge former

 Type of milling bucket:

  • Super Stretto = extra narrow (only available on M21 model, 13 to 19 cm width milling bucket)
  • Stretto = narrow (25-40 cm milling bowl width)
  • Medio = medium size (40-55 cm milling bowl width)
  • Largo = large (55-70 cm milling width)

Technical specifications:

Model:MG 4 / MG4 plus

Maak kennis met de ultieme krachtpatser: de MG4 rijenfrees! Met een robuust ontwerp en ongeëvenaarde veelzijdigheid, is dit de machine die elke uitdaging aangaat. Of uw gewassen nu de hoogte in schieten tot 75 cm, de MG4 staat klaar om indruk te maken. Met een tractorvermogen dat reikt tot 90-110 pk, is dit de partner waarop u kunt vertrouwen.

De MG4 rijenfrees overtreft all verwachtingen met zijn aanpasbaarheid. Met een configuratie die de normen herschrijft, kunt u de werkbreedte van het freeselement, de breedte van het frame en de rijeninstelling aanpassen volgens uw exacte behoeften. Terwijl de MBe3 al veelzijdigheid bood, tilt de MG4 dit naar een hoger level met een freeselement dat zelfs tot 90 cm breed kan gaan.

En dat is nog niet alles - de MG4 biedt u het gemak van hydraulisch opklapbare frames bij 330-380 cm en 450 cm frame breedte. Efficiënt transport en opslag waren nog nooit zo eenvoudig.

Als u op zoek bent naar prestaties zonder compromissen en aanpasbaarheid zonder grenzen, dan is de MG4 rijenfrees uw ultieme keuze. Waar wacht u nog op? Breng uw landbouwpraktijk naar een nieuw level met de kracht in veelzijdigheid van de MG4.

Een rijenfrees stellen wij samen aan de hand van uw situatie. Hiervoor neemt onze verkoper contact met u op. Breviglieri heeft 3 tip rijenfrezen, deze verschillen qua zwaarte, doorrijhoogte frame en type 3 punt aansluiting. Een lichte rijenfrees trecut bijvoorbeeld niet bij een trekker met veel PK.

Vragen die u direct kan beantwoorden zijn:

  • Uw teelt:
    • Hoogte gewas bij het freezen:
    • Rij aft și planten hart-hart:
    • Gewenste freesbreedte -> Afstand tussen freesbak en plant moet minimaal 5 - 7,5 cm zijn.
  • Hoeveel rijen wilt u tegelijkertijd freezen:
  • Welke rijafstand heeft uw gewas:
  • Uw trekker
    • Hoeveel PK:
    • 3 punt aansluiting (categoria 1 din 2):
  • Omschrijving van uw grondsoort:
  • Gewenste freesdiepte:


  • Kunstmest doseerbak
  • 6 mese per rotor pentru rezultatul liber al fijnerului (ipv 4 messen)
  • Ruggenvormer

Tastați freesbak:

Super Stretto = extra mic (alleen leverbaar op M21 model, 13 to 19 cm breedte freesbak)

Stretto = smal (25-40 cm breedte freesbak)

Medio = middenmaat (40-55 cm breedte freesbak)

Largo = groot (55-70cm breedte freesbak)

Rotator între rânduri Breviglieri MG4

Preț la cerere

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Contact directVă rog să mă sunați: +31 180 632 088

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Meet the ultimate powerhouse: the MG4 inter row rotavator! With a robust design and unmatched versatility, this is the machine that takes on any challenge. Whether your crops shoot up to 75 cm in height, the MG4 is ready to impress. With tractor power ranging up to 90-110hp, this is the partner you can rely on.

The MG4 inter row rotavator exceeds all expectations with its adaptability. With a configuration that rewrites standards, you can adjust the working width of the cultivator element, the width of the frame and the row setting according to your exact needs. While the MBe3 already offered versatility, the MG4 takes this to the next level with a milling element that can go as wide as 90 cm.

And that's not all - the MG4 offers you the convenience of hydraulically folding frames at 330-380 cm and 450 cm frame widths. Efficient transport and storage have never been easier.

If you are looking for performance without compromise and adaptability without limits, the MG4 inter row rotavator is your ultimate choice. What are you waiting for? Take your farming practice to a new level with the power and versatility of the MG4.

We put together a row cultivator according to your situation. Our salesperson will contact you for this. Breviglieri has 3 types of Rotary cultivators, which differ in terms of weight, frame clearance and type of 3-point connection. For example, a light row cultivator will not fit a tractor with a lot of HP.

 Questions you can answer directly are:

  • Your crop:
    • Crop height at time of rotary cultivating:
    • Row distance plants heart-to-heart:
    • Desired cultivating width -> Distance between cultivator body and plant should be at least 5 - 7.5 cm.
  • How many rows do you want to cultivate at the same time:
  • What row spacing does your crop have:
  • Your tractor
    • How many HP:
    • 3 point connection (category 1 or 2):
  • Description of your type of soil:
  • Desired rotavator depth:


  • Fertiliser dosing bucket
  • 6 knives per rotor for finer cultivation results (instead of 4 knives)
  • Ridge former

 Type of milling bucket:

  • Super Stretto = extra narrow (only available on M21 model, 13 to 19 cm width milling bucket)
  • Stretto = narrow (25-40 cm milling bowl width)
  • Medio = medium size (40-55 cm milling bowl width)
  • Largo = large (55-70 cm milling width)


  • Disponibilitate rapidă
  • Costuri de achiziție mai mici
  • Depreciere redusă
  • Aceeași funcționalitate
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Ascensoare pentru cutii de castraveți
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Cantare mecanice Greefa
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