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  • Din 1977
4.8 Google Reviews
Elevator de sol zburător
Visser maşina de semănat în tăvi cu umplutură de tăvi
Flier broeslijn
Flier maşina pentru destivuire
Visser unitate de acoperire a tăvii
Sorma ACF 115 cu denester Sorma DP4 115X
Sorma ACF 115 Mașină de umplut punnet/tavi
Visser VD-450 mașină de acoperit tăvi
Visser VD-450 mașină de acoperire tăvi cu transportor cu role

Curatator de tavi Javo

Ocazie excelentă
Atenție: Textul referitor la această mașină a fost tradus de un motor de traducere.

Argumente pro şi contra

  • Ușor de folosit
  • Ocazie excelentă


Curatator de tavi Javo

The Javo Tray Cleaner

  • Adjustable speed
  • Stainless steel
  • Needs 50 bar water pressure
The Javo Tray Cleaner is a maintenance free, simple to use machine suitable for virtually all kinds and sizes of trays

The Javo Tray Cleaner is completely stainless steel, simple to use, and maintenance free. This machine can be used for virtually any type and size of tray.The tray cleaner has 2 fast rotating spray arms which are driven by a high pressure pump (not included). In a separate chamber, the trays are rinsed.The continuous moving conveyor belt has a special profile (cleats) and adjustable speed.


Specificații tehnice:

CondițieFolosit, verificat de mecanicii proprii
Capacitate:600 buc/ora
Dimensiuni transport:265 cm x 70 cm x 140 cm (lungime x lățime x înălțime)

Argumente pro şi contra

  • Ușor de folosit


The Javo Tray Cleaner

  • Adjustable speed
  • Stainless steel
  • Needs 50 bar water pressure
The Javo Tray Cleaner is a maintenance free, simple to use machine suitable for virtually all kinds and sizes of trays

The Javo Tray Cleaner is completely stainless steel, simple to use, and maintenance free. This machine can be used for virtually any type and size of tray.The tray cleaner has 2 fast rotating spray arms which are driven by a high pressure pump (not included). In a separate chamber, the trays are rinsed.The continuous moving conveyor belt has a special profile (cleats) and adjustable speed.


Technical specifications:

CondițieFolosit, verificat de mecanicii proprii
Capacity:600 pcs / hour
Transport dimensions:265 cm x 70 cm x 140 cm (length x width x height)

380 volți

Curatator de tavi Javo

Din pacate, acest Curatator de tavi Javo a fost acum vandut.

Doriți să fiți informat când devine disponibil un Maşini de umplut tăvi de pământ comparabil? Completați detaliile dvs. aici.


Grupă produse

Vă rog contactați Tatiana

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Contact directVă rog să mă sunați: +31 180 632 088


The Javo Tray Cleaner

  • Adjustable speed
  • Stainless steel
  • Needs 50 bar water pressure
The Javo Tray Cleaner is a maintenance free, simple to use machine suitable for virtually all kinds and sizes of trays

The Javo Tray Cleaner is completely stainless steel, simple to use, and maintenance free. This machine can be used for virtually any type and size of tray.The tray cleaner has 2 fast rotating spray arms which are driven by a high pressure pump (not included). In a separate chamber, the trays are rinsed.The continuous moving conveyor belt has a special profile (cleats) and adjustable speed.


  • Disponibilitate rapidă
  • Costuri de achiziție mai mici
  • Depreciere redusă
  • Aceeași funcționalitate
Logitec DB-40 container pentru dozarea baloturilor mari Big Bale
Transportor TTA 225 x 40 cm
Masă rotativă Blat PP de 150 cm
Javo basculator de cutii paleţi
Devette cârlige monoșină
Transportor cu role 175 x 33,5 cm
Mașină de pliat cutie Heripack cu Comarme bottem conic
Suporturi/picioare pentru transportoare
Aweta conveyor 625 x 60 cm