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Taks TTS 8213

Sistem automat de descărcare Taks pentru cărucioare șinelor de conducte cu paletizor Taks MPL

Atenție: Textul referitor la această mașină a fost tradus de un motor de traducere.

Argumente pro şi contra

  • Manufacturer can log in to machine remotely
  • Including 180 degree bend belt
  • Scales included
  • Fără cărucioare de recoltare


Sistem automat de descărcare Taks pentru cărucioare șinelor de conducte cu paletizor Taks MPL

Taks fully automatic unloading system for destacking boxes from pipe rail trolleys for vine tomatoes and palletizer

consist of:

  • Automatic puller for the pipe rail trolleys
  • Pusher for unloading of the boxes from the picking trolleys
  • Crane for destacking of the boxes 250 cm
  • 3 Weighing stations 
  • Suitable for plastic and cardboard boxes 
  • Manufacturer can log in to machine remotely
    • It comes with one login modum for two machines, in case of a malfunction you need to connect the modum to the machine you want to connect to the internet. This way, the manufacturer can log in to the machine and read what the problem is. 

Used with 55 cm track width
Can also be used with other track widths

Other than vine tomatoes this unloading and weighing system can also be used for boxes with other fruit or vegetables, such as strawberries or long or spicy peppers.

Taks MPL plate palletizer for boxes

  • With forming plate
  • Unit to turn the boxes ( to turn the boxes 180 degrees)
  • Comes with motor driven roller conveyor

Suitable for several boxes and pallets:

  • Pallet 100 x 120 cm with boxes of 60 x 40 cm
  • Pallet 100 x 120 cm with boxes of 40 x 30 cm
  • Pallet 80 x 120 cm with boxes of 60 x 30 cm
  • Pallet 80 x 120 cm with boxes of 40 x 30 cm

Taks palletizer enables you to automatically stack boxes or crates on pallets. This smart stacking system offers you not only considerable labour reductions, it is also ergonomically sound. Furthermore, the boxes and crates are very neatly stacked.

This palletizer was designed to achieve high capacities.

This machine is in good condition! The machine is constructed very solid.

Curved conveyor 180°


Specificații tehnice:

Model:TTS 8213
CondițieFolosit, functional bine, demontat
Greutate de transport:1500kg

Argumente pro şi contra

  • Manufacturer can log in to machine remotely
  • Including 180 degree bend belt
  • Scales included
  • Fără cărucioare de recoltare


Taks fully automatic unloading system for destacking boxes from pipe rail trolleys for vine tomatoes and palletizer

consist of:

  • Automatic puller for the pipe rail trolleys
  • Pusher for unloading of the boxes from the picking trolleys
  • Crane for destacking of the boxes 250 cm
  • 3 Weighing stations 
  • Suitable for plastic and cardboard boxes 
  • Manufacturer can log in to machine remotely
    • It comes with one login modum for two machines, in case of a malfunction you need to connect the modum to the machine you want to connect to the internet. This way, the manufacturer can log in to the machine and read what the problem is. 

Used with 55 cm track width
Can also be used with other track widths

Other than vine tomatoes this unloading and weighing system can also be used for boxes with other fruit or vegetables, such as strawberries or long or spicy peppers.

Taks MPL plate palletizer for boxes

  • With forming plate
  • Unit to turn the boxes ( to turn the boxes 180 degrees)
  • Comes with motor driven roller conveyor

Suitable for several boxes and pallets:

  • Pallet 100 x 120 cm with boxes of 60 x 40 cm
  • Pallet 100 x 120 cm with boxes of 40 x 30 cm
  • Pallet 80 x 120 cm with boxes of 60 x 30 cm
  • Pallet 80 x 120 cm with boxes of 40 x 30 cm

Taks palletizer enables you to automatically stack boxes or crates on pallets. This smart stacking system offers you not only considerable labour reductions, it is also ergonomically sound. Furthermore, the boxes and crates are very neatly stacked.

This palletizer was designed to achieve high capacities.

This machine is in good condition! The machine is constructed very solid.

Curved conveyor 180°


Technical specifications:

Model:TTS 8213
CondițieFolosit, functional bine, demontat
Transport weight:1500kg

Sistem automat de descărcare Taks pentru cărucioare șinelor de conducte cu paletizor Taks MPL

Din pacate, acest Sistem automat de descărcare Taks pentru cărucioare șinelor de conducte cu paletizor Taks MPL a fost acum vandut.

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Taks fully automatic unloading system for destacking boxes from pipe rail trolleys for vine tomatoes and palletizer

consist of:

  • Automatic puller for the pipe rail trolleys
  • Pusher for unloading of the boxes from the picking trolleys
  • Crane for destacking of the boxes 250 cm
  • 3 Weighing stations 
  • Suitable for plastic and cardboard boxes 
  • Manufacturer can log in to machine remotely
    • It comes with one login modum for two machines, in case of a malfunction you need to connect the modum to the machine you want to connect to the internet. This way, the manufacturer can log in to the machine and read what the problem is. 

Used with 55 cm track width
Can also be used with other track widths

Other than vine tomatoes this unloading and weighing system can also be used for boxes with other fruit or vegetables, such as strawberries or long or spicy peppers.

Taks MPL plate palletizer for boxes

  • With forming plate
  • Unit to turn the boxes ( to turn the boxes 180 degrees)
  • Comes with motor driven roller conveyor

Suitable for several boxes and pallets:

  • Pallet 100 x 120 cm with boxes of 60 x 40 cm
  • Pallet 100 x 120 cm with boxes of 40 x 30 cm
  • Pallet 80 x 120 cm with boxes of 60 x 30 cm
  • Pallet 80 x 120 cm with boxes of 40 x 30 cm

Taks palletizer enables you to automatically stack boxes or crates on pallets. This smart stacking system offers you not only considerable labour reductions, it is also ergonomically sound. Furthermore, the boxes and crates are very neatly stacked.

This palletizer was designed to achieve high capacities.

This machine is in good condition! The machine is constructed very solid.

Curved conveyor 180°


  • Disponibilitate rapidă
  • Costuri de achiziție mai mici
  • Depreciere redusă
  • Aceeași funcționalitate
Aweta cântar mecanic
Cantare mecanice Greefa
Berg 160 cm căruciar pe şine tubulare Sine de 42,5 cm
Transportor dozator Greefa 380 volti
Greefa A4 mașină de gradat mere
Masă rotativă Blat PP de 150 cm
Berg cărucior electric pe şine tubulare cu foarfeca mecanica, sina de 55 cm
Berg cărucior electric pe şine tubulare Cu foarfece mecanice, sina de 42,5 cm
Buitendijk & Slaman cărucior electric pe şine tubulare cu foarfece mecanice, sina de 42,5 cm