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Linie de însămânțare Visser Granudine

Doar 1
Ocazie excelentă
Pret extra competitiv
Visser ​Granudine dimensions
Atenție: Textul referitor la această mașină a fost tradus de un motor de traducere.

Argumente pro şi contra

  • Semănătoare versatilă, care este ideală pentru însămânțarea ierburilor
  • Cu multe plăci de semănat și dibblers diferite
  • Stare ca nouă
  • Puțin folosit
  • 1st proprietar
  • Ocazie excelentă
  • Pret extra competitiv


Linie de însămânțare Visser Granudine

Visser Granudine seeding line

Ideal machine for seeding different types of herbs on trays.

Consist of:

Peat dispenser

Granudine T15 Seeder - Year 2021

The Granudine seeder is perfect for seeding large amounts of naked or small seeds equally in pots or trays. The Granudine is distinguished by its high capacity and ability to sow various kinds of seed types, such as annuals and herbs.

The seeder is equipped with a seed hopper, tube divider and seeding plate. The quick changeable tube divider guarantees a short and easy change over to another tray size. The seeds are equally divided in the tray or pot via dosing pots. The variety in the amount of seeds is obtained by changing the seeding plate with a model with a different size hole.

  •  Equal dividing of seeds
  •  For naked and very small seeds
  •  Seeding in pots & trays
  • Several seeding plates

Visser VD-450 Vermiculite dispenser - Year 2021

Visser covering machine for trays

Roller conveyor


Specificații tehnice:

Model:​Granudine T15 + VD450
CondițieFolosit, functional bine, demontat

Argumente pro şi contra

  • Semănătoare versatilă, care este ideală pentru însămânțarea ierburilor
  • Cu multe plăci de semănat și dibblers diferite
  • Stare ca nouă
  • Puțin folosit
  • 1st proprietar


Visser Granudine seeding line

Ideal machine for seeding different types of herbs on trays.

Consist of:

Peat dispenser

Granudine T15 Seeder - Year 2021

The Granudine seeder is perfect for seeding large amounts of naked or small seeds equally in pots or trays. The Granudine is distinguished by its high capacity and ability to sow various kinds of seed types, such as annuals and herbs.

The seeder is equipped with a seed hopper, tube divider and seeding plate. The quick changeable tube divider guarantees a short and easy change over to another tray size. The seeds are equally divided in the tray or pot via dosing pots. The variety in the amount of seeds is obtained by changing the seeding plate with a model with a different size hole.

  •  Equal dividing of seeds
  •  For naked and very small seeds
  •  Seeding in pots & trays
  • Several seeding plates

Visser VD-450 Vermiculite dispenser - Year 2021

Visser covering machine for trays

Roller conveyor


Technical specifications:

Model:​Granudine T15 + VD450
CondițieFolosit, functional bine, demontat

Linie de însămânțare Visser Granudine

Preț la cerere

Doar 1
Grupă produse
​Granudine T15 + VD450
Adăugare la ofertă de prețComandați această mașină
Comandați această mașină

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Contact directVă rog să mă sunați: +31 180 632 088

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Visser Granudine seeding line

Ideal machine for seeding different types of herbs on trays.

Consist of:

Peat dispenser

Granudine T15 Seeder - Year 2021

The Granudine seeder is perfect for seeding large amounts of naked or small seeds equally in pots or trays. The Granudine is distinguished by its high capacity and ability to sow various kinds of seed types, such as annuals and herbs.

The seeder is equipped with a seed hopper, tube divider and seeding plate. The quick changeable tube divider guarantees a short and easy change over to another tray size. The seeds are equally divided in the tray or pot via dosing pots. The variety in the amount of seeds is obtained by changing the seeding plate with a model with a different size hole.

  •  Equal dividing of seeds
  •  For naked and very small seeds
  •  Seeding in pots & trays
  • Several seeding plates

Visser VD-450 Vermiculite dispenser - Year 2021

Visser covering machine for trays

Roller conveyor


  • Disponibilitate rapidă
  • Costuri de achiziție mai mici
  • Depreciere redusă
  • Aceeași funcționalitate
Linie de însămânțare Visser Granudine
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