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Greefa A4 maşina de sortat mere şi alte fructe
Singelator Aweta cu role de diabolo
Stas Compact pentru apeluri
Wamel Perfect transportor 210 x 50 cm
Burg umplutură sub rezervor de apă pentru mere și pere
Stas transportar cu role de inspectare pentru fructe
Stas pentru mere
645 x 60 cm, cu transportor cu role 460 x 50 cm
Greefa ATB maşina de sortat mere şi alte fructe

Compac electronic weight grader for apricots and plums

Compact carriers suitable for various type of fruit, such as stone fruit
Compac sorting machine
Compac sorting machine
Compac sorting machine
Compac sorting machine
Compac sorting machine
Compac sorting machine
Compac sorting machine
Compac sorting machine
Compac sorting machine
Compac sorting machine
Compac sorting machine
Compac sorting machine
Compac sorting machine
Compac sorting machine
Compac sorting machine
Compac sorting machine
Compac sorting machine
Compac sorting machine
Cups Compac sorting machine
Cups Compac sorting machine
Cups Compac sorting machine
Atenție: Textul referitor la această mașină a fost tradus de un motor de traducere.

Argumente pro şi contra

  • Not used intensively, therefore good quality
  • Machine is split lengthwise for transport purposes


Compac electronic weight grader for apricots and plums

Compac weight grading machine with 1 lane for fruit

Used for apricots / plums (marilles), but also suitable for other type of fruits, such as stone fruit, citrus, tomatoes, avocado, mango, ect.

  • 1 lane, high speed
  • accuracy of 1 gram
  • 2 x 13 exits on both sides
  • Turn tables on one side
  • The sorting diabolo's can be tilted to the left and to the right by the machine
    • Total width of the diabolo 65 mm
    • Outer diameter: 63 mm ø
    • Inner diameter: 53 mm ø

Complete with Manip'Fruits (Sorma France) pre-sorting line:

  • Roller elevating conveyor 190 x 70 cm, effective width 62,5 cm
  • 2 x small fruit eliminator with mesh-like conveyor (web pre-sorter)
    • Pre-grader 1 for sorting out products up to 40 mm
      • Complete with discharge conveyor 155 x 20 cm
    • Pre-grader 2 for sorting out products up to 35 mm
      • Complete with discharge conveyor 100 x 35 cm
  • Roller inspection conveyor 240 x 70 cm, for two grades
    • Complete with 2 discharge conveyors
      • Flat conveyor 150 x 25 cm
      • Flat conveyor 210 x 30 cm, incl. elevator 95 x 30 cm

The pre-sorting line is constructed in the year 2012

Machine is still in a technical good condition! Because it is only used in a short season of 4 weeks per year. 
The previous owner stopped with this business. 

The Compac carriers feature four individual weigh points for improved accuracy and are specifically designed for high speed weighing of produce from 25 to 2000 grams.
Each carrier and load cell runner is measured for over 95% of the weigh cycle, providing maximum opportunity for precision weighing, even at high speeds of 10-15 pieces of produce per second, per lane.

Currently we offer the sorting machine with the pre-sorting line for the above mentioned price, the Compac sorting machine without the pre-sorting line can be sold for €13.500,-. The pre-sorting we currently don't sell loose in single pieces.


Specificații tehnice:

Dimensiuni:1560 cm (lungime)

Argumente pro şi contra

  • Not used intensively, therefore good quality
  • Machine is split lengthwise for transport purposes


Compac weight grading machine with 1 lane for fruit

Used for apricots / plums (marilles), but also suitable for other type of fruits, such as stone fruit, citrus, tomatoes, avocado, mango, ect.

  • 1 lane, high speed
  • accuracy of 1 gram
  • 2 x 13 exits on both sides
  • Turn tables on one side
  • The sorting diabolo's can be tilted to the left and to the right by the machine
    • Total width of the diabolo 65 mm
    • Outer diameter: 63 mm ø
    • Inner diameter: 53 mm ø

Complete with Manip'Fruits (Sorma France) pre-sorting line:

  • Roller elevating conveyor 190 x 70 cm, effective width 62,5 cm
  • 2 x small fruit eliminator with mesh-like conveyor (web pre-sorter)
    • Pre-grader 1 for sorting out products up to 40 mm
      • Complete with discharge conveyor 155 x 20 cm
    • Pre-grader 2 for sorting out products up to 35 mm
      • Complete with discharge conveyor 100 x 35 cm
  • Roller inspection conveyor 240 x 70 cm, for two grades
    • Complete with 2 discharge conveyors
      • Flat conveyor 150 x 25 cm
      • Flat conveyor 210 x 30 cm, incl. elevator 95 x 30 cm

The pre-sorting line is constructed in the year 2012

Machine is still in a technical good condition! Because it is only used in a short season of 4 weeks per year. 
The previous owner stopped with this business. 

The Compac carriers feature four individual weigh points for improved accuracy and are specifically designed for high speed weighing of produce from 25 to 2000 grams.
Each carrier and load cell runner is measured for over 95% of the weigh cycle, providing maximum opportunity for precision weighing, even at high speeds of 10-15 pieces of produce per second, per lane.

Currently we offer the sorting machine with the pre-sorting line for the above mentioned price, the Compac sorting machine without the pre-sorting line can be sold for €13.500,-. The pre-sorting we currently don't sell loose in single pieces.


Technical specifications:

Dimensions:1560 cm (length)

Compac electronic weight grader for apricots and plums

Din pacate, acest Compac electronic weight grader for apricots and plums a fost acum vandut.

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Contact directVă rog să mă sunați: +31 180 632 088


Compac weight grading machine with 1 lane for fruit

Used for apricots / plums (marilles), but also suitable for other type of fruits, such as stone fruit, citrus, tomatoes, avocado, mango, ect.

  • 1 lane, high speed
  • accuracy of 1 gram
  • 2 x 13 exits on both sides
  • Turn tables on one side
  • The sorting diabolo's can be tilted to the left and to the right by the machine
    • Total width of the diabolo 65 mm
    • Outer diameter: 63 mm ø
    • Inner diameter: 53 mm ø

Complete with Manip'Fruits (Sorma France) pre-sorting line:

  • Roller elevating conveyor 190 x 70 cm, effective width 62,5 cm
  • 2 x small fruit eliminator with mesh-like conveyor (web pre-sorter)
    • Pre-grader 1 for sorting out products up to 40 mm
      • Complete with discharge conveyor 155 x 20 cm
    • Pre-grader 2 for sorting out products up to 35 mm
      • Complete with discharge conveyor 100 x 35 cm
  • Roller inspection conveyor 240 x 70 cm, for two grades
    • Complete with 2 discharge conveyors
      • Flat conveyor 150 x 25 cm
      • Flat conveyor 210 x 30 cm, incl. elevator 95 x 30 cm

The pre-sorting line is constructed in the year 2012

Machine is still in a technical good condition! Because it is only used in a short season of 4 weeks per year. 
The previous owner stopped with this business. 

The Compac carriers feature four individual weigh points for improved accuracy and are specifically designed for high speed weighing of produce from 25 to 2000 grams.
Each carrier and load cell runner is measured for over 95% of the weigh cycle, providing maximum opportunity for precision weighing, even at high speeds of 10-15 pieces of produce per second, per lane.

Currently we offer the sorting machine with the pre-sorting line for the above mentioned price, the Compac sorting machine without the pre-sorting line can be sold for €13.500,-. The pre-sorting we currently don't sell loose in single pieces.


  • Disponibilitate rapidă
  • Costuri de achiziție mai mici
  • Depreciere redusă
  • Aceeași funcționalitate
Ascensoare pentru cutii de castraveți
Aweta cântar mecanic
Cantare mecanice Greefa
Berg 160 cm căruciar pe şine tubulare Sine de 42,5 cm
Masă rotativă Blat PP de 150 cm
Berg cărucior electric pe şine tubulare cu foarfeca mecanica, sina de 55 cm
Berg cărucior electric pe şine tubulare Cu foarfece mecanice, sina de 42,5 cm
Buitendijk & Slaman cărucior electric pe şine tubulare cu foarfece mecanice, sina de 42,5 cm
Compac conveyor 95 x 52,5 cm