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Bizerba BT manual checkweigher

Bizerba BT manual checkweigher
Bizerba BT manual checkweigher
Bizerba BT manual checkweigher
Bizerba BT manual checkweigher
Bizerba BT manual checkweigher
Bizerba BT manual checkweigher
Atenție: Textul referitor la această mașină a fost tradus de un motor de traducere.


Bizerba BT manual checkweigher

Bizerba BT manual checkweigher

  • Conveyor 80 x 50 cm
  • Min. 0,2 Kg
  • Max. 30 Kg
  • e = 0,01 Kg

The terminal indicates whether a product meets the set weight (down arrow lights), or is too low (left arrow lights) or too high (right arrow lights). If this deviates too much, the product in question must be removed manually. The machine can be connected to a conveyor belt or ticker that switches on the too high and/or too low weight.


Specificații tehnice:

Dimensiuni:80 cm x 50 cm (lungime x lățime)


Bizerba BT manual checkweigher

  • Conveyor 80 x 50 cm
  • Min. 0,2 Kg
  • Max. 30 Kg
  • e = 0,01 Kg

The terminal indicates whether a product meets the set weight (down arrow lights), or is too low (left arrow lights) or too high (right arrow lights). If this deviates too much, the product in question must be removed manually. The machine can be connected to a conveyor belt or ticker that switches on the too high and/or too low weight.


Technical specifications:

Dimensions:80 cm x 50 cm (length x width)

Bizerba BT manual checkweigher

Din pacate, acest Bizerba BT manual checkweigher a fost acum vandut.

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Bizerba BT manual checkweigher

  • Conveyor 80 x 50 cm
  • Min. 0,2 Kg
  • Max. 30 Kg
  • e = 0,01 Kg

The terminal indicates whether a product meets the set weight (down arrow lights), or is too low (left arrow lights) or too high (right arrow lights). If this deviates too much, the product in question must be removed manually. The machine can be connected to a conveyor belt or ticker that switches on the too high and/or too low weight.


  • Disponibilitate rapidă
  • Costuri de achiziție mai mici
  • Depreciere redusă
  • Aceeași funcționalitate
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