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  • Livrare în întreaga lume
  • Din 1977
4.8 Google Reviews
Basrijs BPP/GT140 maşina de plantat salată verde 200 cm
Van de Beucken A160-4 maşina de plantat salată verde nou
Van de Beucken B-170-4 mașina de plantat pentru blocuri de sol noi
Păstrăul noului Basrijs
Perdu 4000 mașina de plantat
Van de Beucken B170-4SP maşina de plantat salată verde 150 cm
Perdu maşină de plantat pat creștere 4 rânduri
Lännen SK100 maşina de plantat de tip carusel
Zema BT5 maşina de plantat salată verde cu 5 rânduri

Mașină de plantat Lauwers 2 rânduri

Atenție: Textul referitor la această mașină a fost tradus de un motor de traducere.


Mașină de plantat Lauwers 2 rânduri

Lauwers planting machine

  • 2-rows for trayplants / speedy’s and soilblocks max 6 x 6 cm
  • Planting distance between the rows adjustable from 55 up to 105 cm, currently 70 cm.

The transplanter is designed to offer the operator a comfortable workspace.

The unique planting system of the moving planting tubes and the small plough is designed to hold the plants straight up untill they are pressed in the ground with soil.

Planting machine will be sold with new planting coulters.


Specificații tehnice:



Lauwers planting machine

  • 2-rows for trayplants / speedy’s and soilblocks max 6 x 6 cm
  • Planting distance between the rows adjustable from 55 up to 105 cm, currently 70 cm.

The transplanter is designed to offer the operator a comfortable workspace.

The unique planting system of the moving planting tubes and the small plough is designed to hold the plants straight up untill they are pressed in the ground with soil.

Planting machine will be sold with new planting coulters.


Technical specifications:


Mașină de plantat Lauwers 2 rânduri

Din pacate, acest Mașină de plantat Lauwers 2 rânduri a fost acum vandut.

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Vă rog contactați Reinier

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Contact directVă rog să mă sunați: +31 180 632 088


Lauwers planting machine

  • 2-rows for trayplants / speedy’s and soilblocks max 6 x 6 cm
  • Planting distance between the rows adjustable from 55 up to 105 cm, currently 70 cm.

The transplanter is designed to offer the operator a comfortable workspace.

The unique planting system of the moving planting tubes and the small plough is designed to hold the plants straight up untill they are pressed in the ground with soil.

Planting machine will be sold with new planting coulters.


  • Disponibilitate rapidă
  • Costuri de achiziție mai mici
  • Depreciere redusă
  • Aceeași funcționalitate
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