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Haith Root Veg polisher



Haith Root Veg polisher

Haith Root Veg polisher 

For cleaning for carrots, potatoes, beetroots, parsnips & celeriac. 

  • 14 brushes 300 cm 
  • Drum diameter ø 90 cm
  • Left and right roller direction
  • Adjustable speed of drum and brushes by inverter (no PLC) 
  • Belt driven 
  • Capacity up to 25.000 kg/per hour (depending on product)

Polishing the surface of the vegetable removes any soil and minor defects thus improving the appearance, extending shelf-life and adding value to the crop.


Specyfikacja techniczna:

Wymiary:300 cm (długość)


Haith Root Veg polisher 

For cleaning for carrots, potatoes, beetroots, parsnips & celeriac. 

  • 14 brushes 300 cm 
  • Drum diameter ø 90 cm
  • Left and right roller direction
  • Adjustable speed of drum and brushes by inverter (no PLC) 
  • Belt driven 
  • Capacity up to 25.000 kg/per hour (depending on product)

Polishing the surface of the vegetable removes any soil and minor defects thus improving the appearance, extending shelf-life and adding value to the crop.


Technical specifications:

Dimensions:300 cm (length)

Haith Root Veg polisher

Niestety ten Haith Root Veg polisher został już sprzedany.

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Kontakt bezpośredniZadzwoń do nas: +31 180 632 088


Haith Root Veg polisher 

For cleaning for carrots, potatoes, beetroots, parsnips & celeriac. 

  • 14 brushes 300 cm 
  • Drum diameter ø 90 cm
  • Left and right roller direction
  • Adjustable speed of drum and brushes by inverter (no PLC) 
  • Belt driven 
  • Capacity up to 25.000 kg/per hour (depending on product)

Polishing the surface of the vegetable removes any soil and minor defects thus improving the appearance, extending shelf-life and adding value to the crop.

Dlaczego warto kupić używany sprzęt?

  • Szybko dostępne
  • Niższe koszty zakupu
  • Mniejsza amortyzacja
  • Ta sama funkcjonalność
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