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Szczotko-myjka Baekelandt do selera

Dodatkowa konkurencyjna cena

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  • Dodatkowa konkurencyjna cena


Szczotko-myjka Baekelandt do selera

Baekelandt  Brushing machine / washer for celery

  • Spiral Brush
  • 3 brushes 100 cm long
  • Fixed speed
  • The celery is put manually in the machine, where the spiral brush takes the product through the machine. The celery rotates several times in the machine, due to the spiral brush, so the product is cleaned on all sides.
  • Various nozzles keep the brushes clean and washes the sand away.
  • Powered by one electric motor

Specyfikacja techniczna:

Wymiary transportowe:210 cm x 110 cm x 150 cm (długość x szerokość x wysokość)


Baekelandt  Brushing machine / washer for celery

  • Spiral Brush
  • 3 brushes 100 cm long
  • Fixed speed
  • The celery is put manually in the machine, where the spiral brush takes the product through the machine. The celery rotates several times in the machine, due to the spiral brush, so the product is cleaned on all sides.
  • Various nozzles keep the brushes clean and washes the sand away.
  • Powered by one electric motor

Technical specifications:

Transport dimensions:210 cm x 110 cm x 150 cm (length x width x height)

Szczotko-myjka Baekelandt do selera

Niestety ten Szczotko-myjka Baekelandt do selera został już sprzedany.

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Kontakt bezpośredniZadzwoń do nas: +31 180 632 088


Baekelandt  Brushing machine / washer for celery

  • Spiral Brush
  • 3 brushes 100 cm long
  • Fixed speed
  • The celery is put manually in the machine, where the spiral brush takes the product through the machine. The celery rotates several times in the machine, due to the spiral brush, so the product is cleaned on all sides.
  • Various nozzles keep the brushes clean and washes the sand away.
  • Powered by one electric motor

Dlaczego warto kupić używany sprzęt?

  • Szybko dostępne
  • Niższe koszty zakupu
  • Mniejsza amortyzacja
  • Ta sama funkcjonalność
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