Stół wibracyjny do dużych pudełek
Stół wibracyjny do dużych pudełek
Vibratings plate for big boxes
- Often used for vibrating / shaking storage bins with carrots or chicory roots, so the boxes are efficiently filled.
- 129 x 124 cm
- The top iron plate is in some places poor. But the vibration plate can be used straight away.
When transporting and storing bulk solids, volume is money. In other words, the more material you can fit in a container, the lower your shipping and warehousing costs per unit of weight.
Using an industrial vibrating table while the container is being filled not only settles the material, it flattens the angle of repose, minimizing the cone-shaped mound that builds up near the top of the container.
* Price per piece
Specyfikacja techniczna:
Model: | - |
Wymiary: | 129 cm x 124 cm (długość x szerokość) |
Vibratings plate for big boxes
- Often used for vibrating / shaking storage bins with carrots or chicory roots, so the boxes are efficiently filled.
- 129 x 124 cm
- The top iron plate is in some places poor. But the vibration plate can be used straight away.
When transporting and storing bulk solids, volume is money. In other words, the more material you can fit in a container, the lower your shipping and warehousing costs per unit of weight.
Using an industrial vibrating table while the container is being filled not only settles the material, it flattens the angle of repose, minimizing the cone-shaped mound that builds up near the top of the container.
* Price per piece
Stół wibracyjny do dużych pudełek
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Vibratings plate for big boxes
- Often used for vibrating / shaking storage bins with carrots or chicory roots, so the boxes are efficiently filled.
- 129 x 124 cm
- The top iron plate is in some places poor. But the vibration plate can be used straight away.
When transporting and storing bulk solids, volume is money. In other words, the more material you can fit in a container, the lower your shipping and warehousing costs per unit of weight.
Using an industrial vibrating table while the container is being filled not only settles the material, it flattens the angle of repose, minimizing the cone-shaped mound that builds up near the top of the container.
* Price per piece
Dlaczego warto kupić używany sprzęt?
- Szybko dostępne
- Niższe koszty zakupu
- Mniejsza amortyzacja
- Ta sama funkcjonalność
Maszyny dla Cebula
Czy jesteś zainteresowany tą maszyną?
Mamy dla Ciebie następujące opcje:
Zapytaj o ofertę cenową
Proszę o wysłanie oferty cenowej na tą maszynę.
Chcę dodać tą maszynę do zapytania i szukać dalej.
Wybierz tą opcję, jeśli chcesz ofertę cenową na kilka maszyn.
Mam pytanie odnośnie tej konkretnej maszyny.
Jestem zainteresowany/-a tą maszyną, ale chcę najpierw zadać pytanie.