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Numafa RWM400 TL lavacasse adatto anche per vassoi e vasi grandi

Solo 1
Numafa crate and tray washer
Occasione migliore
Numafa crate and tray washer
Numafa crate and tray washer
Numafa crate and tray washer
Numafa crate and tray washer
Numafa crate and tray washer
Numafa crate and tray washer
Numafa crate and tray washer
Numafa crate and tray washer
Numafa crate and tray washer
Numafa crate and tray washer
Numafa RWM400 TL crate washer for crates for trays and large pots
Numafa crate and tray washer
Numafa RWM400 TL crate washer also suitable for trays and large pots

Pro e contro

  • Occasione migliore


Numafa RWM400 TL lavacasse adatto anche per vassoi e vasi grandi

  • 2 lane machine; 1 lane trays  on its side, other lane for various pot sizes and crates up to 40 cm wide.
  • With 3 heating elements and its own pump.
  • With stainless steel discharge belt 350 cm with guides, 

Well maintained stainless steel washing machine with double inlet for trays, crates and pots from 17 cm including stainless steel discharge belt of 3,5 m with return of warm water in the rinsing machine.


Specifiche tecniche:

Modello:RWM400 TL
CondizioneUsato, controllato dai propri meccanici
Dosaggio del sapone:NO


  • 2 lane machine; 1 lane trays  on its side, other lane for various pot sizes and crates up to 40 cm wide.
  • With 3 heating elements and its own pump.
  • With stainless steel discharge belt 350 cm with guides, 

Well maintained stainless steel washing machine with double inlet for trays, crates and pots from 17 cm including stainless steel discharge belt of 3,5 m with return of warm water in the rinsing machine.


Technical specifications:

Model:RWM400 TL
CondizioneUsato, controllato dai propri meccanici
Soap dispencing:No

Numafa RWM400 TL lavacasse adatto anche per vassoi e vasi grandi

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  • 2 lane machine; 1 lane trays  on its side, other lane for various pot sizes and crates up to 40 cm wide.
  • With 3 heating elements and its own pump.
  • With stainless steel discharge belt 350 cm with guides, 

Well maintained stainless steel washing machine with double inlet for trays, crates and pots from 17 cm including stainless steel discharge belt of 3,5 m with return of warm water in the rinsing machine.

Perché optare per l’usato?

  • Subito disponibile
  • Minori costi d’acquisto
  • Minore svalutazione
  • Stesse funzionalità
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