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4.8 Google Reviews

Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL raccoglitrice per piante, come fragole e asparagi

Prezzo per pezzo
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL
Occasione migliore
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL harvester for plants, such as strawberries and asparagus
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL harvester for plants, such as strawberries and asparagus
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL harvester for plants, such as strawberries and asparagus
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL harvester for plants, such as strawberries and asparagus
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL harvester for plants, such as strawberries and asparagus
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL harvester for plants, such as strawberries and asparagus
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL harvester for plants, such as strawberries and asparagus
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL harvester for plants, such as strawberries and asparagus
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL harvester for plants, such as strawberries and asparagus
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL harvester for plants, such as strawberries and asparagus
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL harvester for plants, such as strawberries and asparagus
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL harvester for plants, such as strawberries and asparagus
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL harvester for plants, such as strawberries and asparagus
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL harvester for plants, such as strawberries and asparagus
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL harvester for plants, such as strawberries and asparagus
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL harvester for plants, such as strawberries and asparagus
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL harvester for plants, such as strawberries and asparagus
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL harvester for plants, such as strawberries and asparagus
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL harvester for plants, such as strawberries and asparagus
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL harvester for plants, such as strawberries and asparagus
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL harvester for plants, such as strawberries and asparagus
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL harvester for plants, such as strawberries and asparagus
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL harvester for plants, such as strawberries and asparagus
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL harvester for plants, such as strawberries and asparagus
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL harvester for plants, such as strawberries and asparagus
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL harvester for plants, such as strawberries and asparagus
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL harvester for plants, such as strawberries and asparagus
Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL harvester for plants, such as strawberries and asparagus

Pro e contro

  • Occasione migliore


Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL raccoglitrice per piante, come fragole e asparagi

Macchina per il sollevamento del letto extra large

Adatta come macchina per il sollevamento di piante di fragole, di asparagi, di piante perenni, per determinati tipi di colture vivaistiche, tra cui il bosso.

  • Impianto idraulico con gruppo pompa
  • Timone fisso
  • Capacità: da 300 a 2000 metri p/h
  • Con tappeto di scavo all'inizio
  • Con telecomando
  • Nastro filtrante con battitori
  • Funzioni del cilindro alimentate dalla valvola del trattore
  • Scatola di controllo elettrico
  • Tappeto estirpatore con battitori regolabili elettricamente
  • Scarico laterale largo 80 cm
  • Cinghia di scarico orientabile elettricamente
  • Con albero centrale sterzante elettricamente
  • Inclusa la presa di forza
  • Potenza richiesta: min. 90 CV

Specifiche tecniche:

CondizioneUsato, controllato dai propri meccanici
Dimensioni di trasporto:1100 cm x 295 cm x 350 cm (lunghezza x larghezza x altezza)
Peso di trasporto:2500kg


Extra Large bed lifting machine

Suitable as strawberry plant lifting machine, asparagus plant lifting machine, perennial plant lifting machine, lifting machine for certain types of nursery crops, including boxwood.

  • Hydraulic system with pump set
  • Fixed drawbar
  • Capacity: 300 to 2000 metres p/h
  • With digging mat at the start
  • With remote control
  • Filter belt with beaters
  • Cylinder functions powered by tractor valve
  • Electric control box
  • Grubbing mat with electrically adjustable beaters
  • Side discharge 80 cm wide
  • Electrically steerable discharge belt
  • With electrically steerable centre shaft
  • Including power take-off
  • Power requirement: min. 90 hp

Technical specifications:

CondizioneUsato, controllato dai propri meccanici
Transport dimensions:1100 cm x 295 cm x 350 cm (length x width x height)
Transport weight:2500kg

Basrijs BRP/GL135HXL raccoglitrice per piante, come fragole e asparagi

Prezzo su richiesta

1 unità
Gruppo di prodotti
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Ordina questa macchina

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Macchina per il sollevamento del letto extra large

Adatta come macchina per il sollevamento di piante di fragole, di asparagi, di piante perenni, per determinati tipi di colture vivaistiche, tra cui il bosso.

  • Impianto idraulico con gruppo pompa
  • Timone fisso
  • Capacità: da 300 a 2000 metri p/h
  • Con tappeto di scavo all'inizio
  • Con telecomando
  • Nastro filtrante con battitori
  • Funzioni del cilindro alimentate dalla valvola del trattore
  • Scatola di controllo elettrico
  • Tappeto estirpatore con battitori regolabili elettricamente
  • Scarico laterale largo 80 cm
  • Cinghia di scarico orientabile elettricamente
  • Con albero centrale sterzante elettricamente
  • Inclusa la presa di forza
  • Potenza richiesta: min. 90 CV

Perché optare per l’usato?

  • Subito disponibile
  • Minori costi d’acquisto
  • Minore svalutazione
  • Stesse funzionalità
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