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Cretel PWR550.80HR/CD150 lavacasse con tunnel di asciugatura

Solo 1
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
High capacity
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel
Cretel crate and tray washer with drying tunnel

Pro e contro

  • High capacity


Cretel PWR550.80HR/CD150 lavacasse con tunnel di asciugatura

Lavacasse Cretel con tunnel di asciugatura

  • Regolabile per diverse dimensioni di casse e vassoi
    • In senso longitudinale può passare quasi tutto
    • Larghezza minima: 30 cm
    • Larghezza massima: 55 cm
    • Altezza massima: 30 cm
  • Prelavaggio con il proprio serbatoio dell'acqua senza riscaldamento
  • Lavaggio principale con serbatoio dell'acqua proprio con riscaldamento tramite tubi di riscaldamento
    • Riscaldamento tramite collegamento alla caldaia del riscaldamento centralizzato
    • Unità di disinfezione con unità di dosaggio
  • Unità di asciugatura ad aria circolare
  • Completo di controllo
  • Consumo: 1500 litri all'ora
  • Tutte le parti sono facilmente accessibili per la pulizia

Specifiche tecniche:

CondizioneUsato, controllato dai propri meccanici
Capacità:400 - 600 pz/ora
Dimensioni di trasporto:1000 cm x 240 cm x 250 cm (lunghezza x larghezza x altezza)
Peso di trasporto:3500kg
Riscaldamento:Utilizzando una fonte di riscaldamento esterna
Dosaggio del sapone:


Cretel crate washer with drying tunnel

  • Adjustable for different sizes of crates and trays
    • Lengthwise, almost everything can pass through
    • Minimum width: 30 cm
    • Maximum width: 55 cm
    • Maximum height: 30 cm
  • Prewash with its own water tank without heating
  • Main wash with own water tank with heating via heating pipes
    • Heating via connection to central heating boiler
    • Disinfection unit with dosing unit
  • Drying unit with circular air
  • Complete with control
  • Consumption: 1500 litres per hour
  • All parts are easily accessible for cleaning

Technical specifications:

CondizioneUsato, controllato dai propri meccanici
Capacity:400 - 600 pcs / hour
Transport dimensions:1000 cm x 240 cm x 250 cm (length x width x height)
Transport weight:3500kg
Heating:By using an external heating source
Soap dispencing:Yes

Cretel PWR550.80HR/CD150 lavacasse con tunnel di asciugatura

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Lavacasse Cretel con tunnel di asciugatura

  • Regolabile per diverse dimensioni di casse e vassoi
    • In senso longitudinale può passare quasi tutto
    • Larghezza minima: 30 cm
    • Larghezza massima: 55 cm
    • Altezza massima: 30 cm
  • Prelavaggio con il proprio serbatoio dell'acqua senza riscaldamento
  • Lavaggio principale con serbatoio dell'acqua proprio con riscaldamento tramite tubi di riscaldamento
    • Riscaldamento tramite collegamento alla caldaia del riscaldamento centralizzato
    • Unità di disinfezione con unità di dosaggio
  • Unità di asciugatura ad aria circolare
  • Completo di controllo
  • Consumo: 1500 litri all'ora
  • Tutte le parti sono facilmente accessibili per la pulizia

Perché optare per l’usato?

  • Subito disponibile
  • Minori costi d’acquisto
  • Minore svalutazione
  • Stesse funzionalità
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