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4.8 Google Reviews

Unitec Cherry_Vision Unical 200 OC 1C8+1 11V174 per pomodorini e ciliegie

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Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes
Unitec Cherry Vison Unical grading machine for cherries and cherry tomatoes

Pro e contro

  • Movimentazione delicata: il sistema di scarico pneumatico garantisce la completa conservazione del prodotto.


Unitec Cherry_Vision Unical 200 OC 1C8+1 11V174 per pomodorini e ciliegie

Calibratrice Unitec Cherry Vison Unical 200 OC 11V174 per pomodorini

UNICAL_200 cherry è una calibratrice elettronica progettata per la lavorazione dei pomodorini per calibro e colore.

  • 1 corsia
  • 8 gradi + fuori misura
  • Ordina per colore e dimensione
  • Soffia i frutti dai supporti del prodotto mediante la pressione dell'aria
  • 2 cinghie trapezoidali per decapaggio
  • Trasportatore di alimentazione con nastro dosatore, velocità regolabile
  • 3 pesatrici digitali Stimag
  • 1° proprietario
  • PC del 2015
  • Rulli di trasporto/portaprodotti recentemente sostituiti
  • Possibile supporto remoto

Utilizza un sistema di trasporto a rulli, "INTELL-A-VEYOR", per distanziare i frutti mediante trasporto continuo.

GRADO: elevata precisione del grado ottico (da 12 a 40 mm.)

ECONOMICO: bassi costi generali grazie alla semplicità e alla funzionalità del suo design.


Specifiche tecniche:

Modello:Cherry_Vision Unical 200 OC 1C8+1 11V174
CondizioneUsato, ben funzionante, smontato
Capacità:Up to 30 fruit/sec. max. per lane (108.000 fruit / hour) - realistic +/- 1800 kg / hour
Dimensioni di trasporto:1225 cm (lunghezza)
Ordina per:Misurare, Colore
Numero di uscite:8+1
Numero di linee:1

Pro e contro

  • Movimentazione delicata: il sistema di scarico pneumatico garantisce la completa conservazione del prodotto.


Unitec Cherry Vison Unical 200 OC 11V174 grading machine for cherry tomatoes 

UNICAL_200 cherry is an electronic sorter designed for processing cherry tomatoes by size and colour.

  • 1 lane
  • 8 grades + oversize
  • Sorts by color and size 
  • Blows the fruits from the product carriers by air pressure
  • 2 V belts for pickling
  • Feeding conveyor with dosing belt, speed adjustable
  • 3 Stimag digital weighers
  • 1st owner
  • PC from 2015
  • Transport rollers / product carriers recently replaced
  • Remote support possible 

It utilizes a roller conveyor system, “INTELL-A-VEYOR”, for spacing fruit by way of continuous transport.

GRADE: high accuracy of the optical grade (from 12 to 40 mm.)

ECONOMICAL: low overhead costs due to the simplicity and functionality of it’s design.

This machine is in technical good condition. The plastic rollers of the chain are renewed recently. 

The reason why this machine was sold by the previous owner is, because they started growing cherry tomatoes on the vine. 


Technical specifications:

Model:Cherry_Vision Unical 200 OC 1C8+1 11V174
CondizioneUsato, ben funzionante, smontato
Capacity:Up to 30 fruit/sec. max. per lane (108.000 fruit / hour) - realistic +/- 1800 kg / hour
Transport dimensions:1225 cm (length)
Sorts on:Size, Colour
Number of exits:8+1
Number of lanes:1

Unitec Cherry_Vision Unical 200 OC 1C8+1 11V174 per pomodorini e ciliegie

Prezzo su richiesta

Gruppo di prodotti
Cherry_Vision Unical 200 OC 1C8+1 11V174
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Ordina questa macchina

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Calibratrice Unitec Cherry Vison Unical 200 OC 11V174 per pomodorini

UNICAL_200 cherry è una calibratrice elettronica progettata per la lavorazione dei pomodorini per calibro e colore.

  • 1 corsia
  • 8 gradi + fuori misura
  • Ordina per colore e dimensione
  • Soffia i frutti dai supporti del prodotto mediante la pressione dell'aria
  • 2 cinghie trapezoidali per decapaggio
  • Trasportatore di alimentazione con nastro dosatore, velocità regolabile
  • 3 pesatrici digitali Stimag
  • 1° proprietario
  • PC del 2015
  • Rulli di trasporto/portaprodotti recentemente sostituiti
  • Possibile supporto remoto

Utilizza un sistema di trasporto a rulli, "INTELL-A-VEYOR", per distanziare i frutti mediante trasporto continuo.

GRADO: elevata precisione del grado ottico (da 12 a 40 mm.)

ECONOMICO: bassi costi generali grazie alla semplicità e alla funzionalità del suo design.

Perché optare per l’usato?

  • Subito disponibile
  • Minori costi d’acquisto
  • Minore svalutazione
  • Stesse funzionalità
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