Süti beállítások
  • Minőségi gépek
  • Szakértő személyzet
  • Kiszállítás világszerte
  • 1977-óta
4.8 Google Reviews
Visser tálcás vetőgép tálcatöltővel
Visser ​Granudine vetősor
Visser ​Granudine vetősor
Lehners vetőgép tálcákhoz
Horti-Europe tálcás vetőgép
Visser tálcafedő egység
Lehners vetőgép tálcákhoz
Lehners vetőgép tálcákhoz
Lehners vetőgép tálcákhoz

Mosa tűs vetőgép vermikulittal és vízadagolóval

Mosa needle seeder (1)
Mosa needle seeder (1)
Mosa needle seeder (5)
Mosa needle seeder (8)
Mosa zaada
Mosa needle seeder (2)
Mosa needle seeder (4)
Mosa needle seeder (7)
Mosa needle seeder (12)
Mosa needle seeder (6)
Figyelem: A gépre vonatkozó információk gépi fordítással készültek.


Mosa tűs vetőgép vermikulittal és vízadagolóval

Mosa TO55.S electronic needle seederThe Precision Needle Seeder will sow a wide variety of seed types into most standard plug trays.  New Overaged MachineMosa" Precision Drop " needle seeder complete with vermiculite and water dispenser   This tray seeding machine offers growers tremendous value considering the host of features it boasts. With features only usually found on very 'high end' machines costing far more. When you take delivery of your TO55.S you will be able to look forward to consistently precise seeding, accurate seed positioning in the cell and elimination of seed bouncing. For once you can take control of your seed sowing activities with the easy to operate TO55.S. The TO55.S Precision drop seeding machine stands out from the pack with truly outstanding features only normally found on far more expensive machines
  • Total precision control for a wide range of seed
  • Large volumes of seeds not required
  • Fast change over between trays approx 5 mins !
  • easy to get needles for different seed  common hospital injection needles 
  • Single phase 230v
  • Complete with vacuum pump
  • No compressor is required
  • Four adjustable feet for easy leveling

Műszaki specifikációk::

Kiadási év:2006


Mosa TO55.S electronic needle seederThe Precision Needle Seeder will sow a wide variety of seed types into most standard plug trays.  New Overaged MachineMosa" Precision Drop " needle seeder complete with vermiculite and water dispenser   This tray seeding machine offers growers tremendous value considering the host of features it boasts. With features only usually found on very 'high end' machines costing far more. When you take delivery of your TO55.S you will be able to look forward to consistently precise seeding, accurate seed positioning in the cell and elimination of seed bouncing. For once you can take control of your seed sowing activities with the easy to operate TO55.S. The TO55.S Precision drop seeding machine stands out from the pack with truly outstanding features only normally found on far more expensive machines
  • Total precision control for a wide range of seed
  • Large volumes of seeds not required
  • Fast change over between trays approx 5 mins !
  • easy to get needles for different seed  common hospital injection needles 
  • Single phase 230v
  • Complete with vacuum pump
  • No compressor is required
  • Four adjustable feet for easy leveling

Technical specifications:


Mosa tűs vetőgép vermikulittal és vízadagolóval

Sajnos ez a Mosa tűs vetőgép vermikulittal és vízadagolóval most elkelt.

Szeretne értesülni, ha elérhető lesz egy hasonló Tálcás vetőgépek? Itt töltse ki adatait.


Gyártási év

Kérem, hívjon Tatiana

Boldogan segítünk Önnek. Ügyfélszolgálati munkatársaink várják a hívását.

ELÉRHETŐSÉGEINKHívjon minket: +31 180 632 088


Mosa TO55.S electronic needle seederThe Precision Needle Seeder will sow a wide variety of seed types into most standard plug trays.  New Overaged MachineMosa" Precision Drop " needle seeder complete with vermiculite and water dispenser   This tray seeding machine offers growers tremendous value considering the host of features it boasts. With features only usually found on very 'high end' machines costing far more. When you take delivery of your TO55.S you will be able to look forward to consistently precise seeding, accurate seed positioning in the cell and elimination of seed bouncing. For once you can take control of your seed sowing activities with the easy to operate TO55.S. The TO55.S Precision drop seeding machine stands out from the pack with truly outstanding features only normally found on far more expensive machines
  • Total precision control for a wide range of seed
  • Large volumes of seeds not required
  • Fast change over between trays approx 5 mins !
  • easy to get needles for different seed  common hospital injection needles 
  • Single phase 230v
  • Complete with vacuum pump
  • No compressor is required
  • Four adjustable feet for easy leveling

Miért döntene a használt gép mellett?

  • Gyorsan elérhető
  • Kisebb beszerzési költség
  • Alacsonyabb amortizációs költség
  • Megegyező funkcionalitás
Aweta mérleg mechanikai
Antha szállítószalag 400 cm x 120 cm
Greefa mechanikus mérleg
Greefa adagoló szállítószalag 380 volt
Affeldt sík szállítószalag 445 x 53 cm
Basrijs BPP/GT140 ültetőgép/Palántázó
kétsávos szállítószalag
Kompakt letekercselő
Affeldt ferde felhordó szalago