Visser Granudine vetősor
Visser Granudine vetősor
Lehners kézi vetőgép 285 cellás tálcákhoz
Horti-Europe tálcás vetőgép
Visser tálcafedő egység
Lehners Kézi vetőgép Quickpot 54 tálcákhoz 35 cellával
Lehners kézi vetőgép 273 cellás tálcákhoz
Lehners kézi vetőgép 285 cellás tálcákhoz
Lehners kézi vetőgép 285 cellás tálcákhoz
Figyelem: A gépre vonatkozó információk gépi fordítással készültek.
moza vetősor tálcákhoz
Mosa seeding line for trays
Mosa TO55 Needle Seeding Machine. The Mosa TO55 Needle Seeder seeds directly into the tray without drop tubes, giving no seed bounce and therefore accurate seeding Constant seeding is offered with the conveyor input: no stopping or removing of trays is necessary with this in-line system. A total integrated system is hidden away in the cabinet, so no extra table is required. The Mosa TO55 seeder may be programmed for a further 5 tray types, but you would require the extras: seed bar and dibber bar for the appropriate tray sizes. The seeder is controlled by a micro-computer system; this offers great control at your fingertips, including repeat sowing of up to 99 seeds per cell, varying the speed, suction time and intensity without having to stop the machine.
Topping unit for covering the trays with vermiculite after seeding
watering unitMűszaki specifikációk::
Típus: | Mosa T.055 |
Kiadási év: | 2001 |
Mosa seeding line for trays
Mosa TO55 Needle Seeding Machine. The Mosa TO55 Needle Seeder seeds directly into the tray without drop tubes, giving no seed bounce and therefore accurate seeding Constant seeding is offered with the conveyor input: no stopping or removing of trays is necessary with this in-line system. A total integrated system is hidden away in the cabinet, so no extra table is required. The Mosa TO55 seeder may be programmed for a further 5 tray types, but you would require the extras: seed bar and dibber bar for the appropriate tray sizes. The seeder is controlled by a micro-computer system; this offers great control at your fingertips, including repeat sowing of up to 99 seeds per cell, varying the speed, suction time and intensity without having to stop the machine.
Topping unit for covering the trays with vermiculite after seeding
watering unitTechnical specifications:
Model: | Mosa T.055 |
Year: | 2001 |
moza vetősor tálcákhoz
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Mosa seeding line for trays Mosa TO55 Needle Seeding Machine. The Mosa TO55 Needle Seeder seeds directly into the tray without drop tubes, giving no seed bounce and therefore accurate seeding Constant seeding is offered with the conveyor input: no stopping or removing of trays is necessary with this in-line system. A total integrated system is hidden away in the cabinet, so no extra table is required. The Mosa TO55 seeder may be programmed for a further 5 tray types, but you would require the extras: seed bar and dibber bar for the appropriate tray sizes. The seeder is controlled by a micro-computer system; this offers great control at your fingertips, including repeat sowing of up to 99 seeds per cell, varying the speed, suction time and intensity without having to stop the machine. Topping unit for covering the trays with vermiculite after seeding
watering unitMiért döntene a használt gép mellett?
- Gyorsan elérhető
- Kisebb beszerzési költség
- Alacsonyabb amortizációs költség
- Megegyező funkcionalitás
Logitec DB-40 föld-bála adagoló
Forgóasztalo 150 cm-es PP felső
Javo nagyláda forgatók
Devette egysínű horgok
Görgős szállítószalag 175 x 33,5 cm
Heripack dobozhajtogató gép Comarme alsó kúpral
Tartók / lábak szállítószalagokhoz
Aweta conveyor 625 x 60 cm
Jako kanalas konténer 150 cm